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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Too Right! Bickering over how many wars we lost is stupid!....'cuz every1 knows that War is HELL! BLISS on the other hand, comes in the form of Tuning-Fork shod, 2-Wheel Motation Vehicles...... & THAT feeling knows no boundaries & is WorldWide
  2. to the forum Matt I've only heard that the new 450 is a BadAss machine Congrats on your Yama-Conversion
  3. Certainly can't argue with the Personal Preference angle This is what I've been using for @ least 15 years of daily riding..... Very Minimal mess.....plus I can get 1 of these cans to last just about Year as well
  4. to the forum Derek Here's a SECA2 specific site from here in the states that I frequented for a bit. Seem to be pretty knowledgeable there too
  5. My knee's have touched down on this road...........from my DualSport
  6. to the forum Kayla Congrats on your newly aquired XS......I've had a few of those in the past NO better way to thoroughly know a bike than to put it together yourself
  7. ANY size XT Rules!! Post up some pics of that new beast!
  8. yep.....Time & Place for everything.....& obviously those fools haven't figured that 1 out yet. But the riding itself looks like Mucho FUN
  9. If there is such a term? Gotta have a SuperMoto someday! Feckin Hooligans!
  10. Been awhile since I messed with the carbs on a Seca 400........Loved the Hell outta the one I had! Is your Airbox pushed all the way forward after securing the carbs to the intake boots? I recall using a big screwdriver or prybar of some type to push the airbox forward as far as possible before tightening it down, then securing the air boot clamps on both sides of the carbs. Sorry if this may seem a bit sketchy, but I also used this technique on 3 different Seca 550's I also used to own. Hope this helps
  11. FleaBay is where I found my 550 Might be worth a go?
  12. to the forum Andre Sounds like your DT's battery might be on it's last leg? Inside the right sidecase of the motor (where the kickstarter is located) there's a mechanism with a catch pawl that might be broken. That sidecase should come off without too much trouble, you then should be able to see what's going on with that kickstarter. Best of Luck with it
  13. Yep..... you'll be constantly cleaning off chain lube on that side Single collector exhausts are cleaner & LIGHTER......& easier to maintain.
  14. When you get through with that..... You'll know that little Beast inside & out. I went through a 250 like that once.....ended up being a nice little commuter, it did.
  15. to the Forum Rpm Always nice to see another XT Pilot join the ranks
  16. YamaHead

    Newbie here

    to the forum OzzyFZR
  17. Castrol 20/50.......has NEVER let me down BTW..... to the Forum!
  18. I lost my 25y/o son almost 3 years ago now ..... TBH, he's probably the guilty party for over half the grey hairs on my head But I also had some of the most FUN times in my life with that guy ........Riding DirtBikes....Skiing.....etc. I still get to see him (so to speak) in my GrandKids that he left behind....which is a HUGE plus.
  19. But then there are us few enlightened Yanks who actually know the difference between Driving & RIDING
  20. Who are you tryin' to fool? Obvious evidence of losing your boots & then your chain breaks!
  21. Like...."How do I Turbocharge my DT50?" ..... Right up your alley Mozz!
  22. Sounds like it might be sucking air in through possibly 1 of those new seals After starting attemps, Is the plug dry or soaked with fuel?
  23. Definitely sounds like a vacuum leak somewhere.... Make sure to also check for cracks or tears in the rubber manifolds between the carbs & the cylinderhead. Used to ride a 550 Seca for about 13 years......pretty familiar with those carbs. PM me if ya need any assistance. BTW.... to the forum Marc
  24. YamaHead


    Best way to keep that bike running properly through the winter is......... KEEP ON RIDING!!! You'll be a far better rider from it.
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