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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. So he did.....DOH!.....My Bad.
  2. ...from that side of the pond....... have had the pleasure to see this bloke in action? ....... Appearantly, he & his wife are NOT doing any US dates anymore.......due to the takeover of PACE....by SFX I've seen Gary 3 times live here in Portland........Truly something to behold!
  3. to the forum NoseHair Certainly can't go wrong jumping into the 2-Wheel realm.........aboard an XT! A true Go-Anywhere, Anytime machine.
  4. to the forum Masterall Unfortunately, from my experiences......when a gearbox has the dreaded "Jumping outta gear" symptom.....it usually means that your shift forks in the gearbox are bent ......which requires a teardown of the lower-end to repair. If you're mechanically inclined @ all....& have a manual & some decent tools.......it's do-able.
  5. Rain-X is designed for GLASS!.....it'll leave a residue on your visor. Nothin' like good ol' CAR WAX!........been using it for years now with great results.
  6. CONGRATULATIONS Maria! May your lives together prosper! It still blows people away when I tell 'em that my misses & I got married only 11 DAYS after we met! .........& that was over 20 years ago now.
  7. With the right tools, you could have that job done in under an hour........most Clutches are a piece of cake!
  8. Could damn near reach out & touch him!
  9. My guess (from personal experience) would be possibly the stator coil located inside the flywheel...... Mine gave me some grief a few years ago.....ended up replacing it, unfortunately NOT cheap. Found that THIS site has everything I've needed for my 550.....OEM parts for @ least 1/3 less than any dealer I've encountered. Remember, the 550 has a "wet" mag.....so these symptoms could be caused by something as simple as dirty oil ...found that 1 out the hard way also. Best of luck with it. Any questions......PM me
  10. NO DOUBT! .... Myself, I'm rather partial to these ......
  11. Worked my ass off over the weekend, playing lumberjack as I gave the 4 big maple tree's in my front yard, a long overdue trim......spent both Saturday & Sunday running a chainsaw from a good 20+ft. up a ladder. .....looks like a tornado touched down @ my place now! Weather was great as it was in the 80'sF both days......so I managed to get out for a spin both evenings just to kool off & blow all the sawdust outta my hair & pockets! ....... I've seen plenty of squirrels, jay's & crows(flying rats!) around my place in the last 20 years......but this was the 1st time I've ever seen 1 of these chaps hanging out around my garage ...... Global warming has everything outta whack! Looks like the Liquid Sunshine will return by the end of this week , so my timing wasn't too far off I guess.
  12. I've had 3 of 'em.......with Dunlops fitted, I ran 'em @ 32psi up front & out back.
  13. These guys make sprockets for just about ANY bike......PBI Sprockets It appears that their site is still under a makeover .....but believe me, they're worth the effort to track down. I used to work for 'em & have had great luck with their products. Located here in Clackamas Oregon.
  14. YamaHead

    Wanna help me?

    You'd be a Fool NOT to vote TEN!
  15. YamaHead

    Crazy Swedish!

    Condolances for your loss Goff..... From a guy who rides everyday, year-round....I've seen my share of Uglyness regarding accidents You literally have to ride with eyes in the back of your head these days.....& you can NEVER be too careful!
  16. Sounds like a good place to start.
  17. It's a 1982 XT550......that's right, a 26 y/o machine that just won't quit! This Beast is my best friend......goes ANYWHERE....ANYTIME.....in ALL weather conditions......is simple to maintain & still gets 45+mpg.
  18. YamaHead

    Crazy Swedish!

    Just saw this on the AC/RD forum...... The crazy sh*t that crack Ho's do these days!
  19. YamaHead

    Disc Lock Advice

    Some clever thinking there.
  20. I've owned both the XS400 Seca & the XJ750 Maxim.... to be sure, measure the distance from the rubber grommits on the frame near the steering head, back to the bolt hole where the tank bolts to the frame. I'm thinkin' that the 750 tank is longer & might not clear over the mono-shock either. Best of luck with it.
  21. Just like your siggy says Merv...... If it's got tits or tyres!.... ..... Currenty working on doing a rebuild on the XT by the end of this year...... I figure I can get everything sorted on the old Beast for around $500......valves, rings, headwork, rear tire, chain, sprockets & brakes..... Because this IS my destination by next September ..... Hells Canyon on the eastern Oregon border......Deepest canyon on the planet......yes even deeper than the Grand. & to any who inquired......riding across the states can be done in about a week without too much prob.
  22. If your XT is anything like mine.....it's actually a 2-stage carb (works like a 2-barrel on a car)....thus, the secondary barrel only opens after 1/2 to 3/4 throttle. So, there still is only 1 main jet in the primary side (where the fuel bowl is located). HTH @ least a little.
  23. YamaHead


    I'm the founding & only member of YamaHeads HST (High-Speed Touring)....& have now branched OFF the tarmac as well. Basically, Riding Anywhere, Anytime, in ALL conditions type of guy. Currently in the process of recruiting some old mates who've rode Yamaha's almost as much as me. & always taking applications for others ready to LIVE in the 2-Wheel realm.
  24. Now, where's the FUN in that? LOUD pipes save lives, ya know! Sweet paintwork on Elvira BTW
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