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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. If you're gonna do that, you might as well carry the BattleAxe for something to sink through windshields :twisted: .......like one of those Mad Kwak jockies in the 1st MadMax flick 8)
  2. Interesting how such a variety of results comes from Ebay.........some people have nO problem with it.........then others get nothing but grief like this! :roll:
  3. YamaHead


    :hi to the Forum Tym Always good to see another Bleedin' around here :wink: I've got a brother who lives in Madison CT.......Where abouts are you?
  4. YamaHead


    Yeah, tell me about it :roll: Could be like my brother who's working in Malaysia right now :? .......Where, when it rains, it comes down sooooo hard that the drops bounce 2 feet off the ground! :shock:
  5. I think a bit of a Retro-Standard......trying to use up any old parts lying around :roll:
  6. It's a Cryin' shame that they're associated with SuSucky in the R&D Dept. :? Been seeing alot of similarities between the 2 makes since this onslaught :? Waiting for that God-Foresaken Day when we see a Kawa come to life! :shock: :roll:
  7. Yep...... With Any luck @ all this year, I'll hopefully be able to replace my 21 yr. old Tired "Old Nail" Maxim, with a Seca2 (Yank equivilant to the 600 Divvy) :wink: Just Gotta have a 6-speed gearbox again for daily commuting duties 8)
  8. Sounds like Pete's point of Conversion into the Tuning Fork :wink: 8)
  9. It's like my Dad told me once........... "If I had my way, you wouldn't ride @ all.......but I haven't been a very good example" .........he's been riding since he was 19! :wink:
  10. A Carb cleaning & synch would help :wink: ........that rattling could be from the cam-chain & tensioners.....hopefully just in need of an adjustment :wink:
  11. Castrol every 2k......been that way for 20 years :wink:
  12. Very Tidy DT there! 8) :wink:
  13. The thing about that bike that I love the most is the Paint Scheme........Very TZesque 8) Reminds me of the Daytona :wink:
  14. I was spoon-fed on those old CB's........my dad also had his share of 'em when I was growing up :wink: Another one I liked was the infamous CBX inline-6 8) ........Now that was a massive Beast :shock:
  15. YamaHead

    Yamaha Roadtests!

    You guys don't know how lucky you are! :twisted: ......... What I'd give to have a Yam 400-4 over here :wink: ........especially with the current Fuel Costs going the way they are! :shock:
  16. Yeah, some things are better off left unsaid!
  17. YamaHead

    Yamaha Roadtests!

    INDEED! 8) Alot of Road Tests on Alot of different models :wink:
  18. I put Tapered Rollers in my old XJ 550 Seca.......with Killer Results 8) Maybe just Repack 'em with fresh grease & an adjust will do the trick? :wink:
  19. Are you referring to your XJ there Alan?......'Cause I thought you had this prob sorted with your RD :? Either way mate, don't skimp & get Tapered Roller Bearings put in that Headstock......You won't regret it! :wink:
  20. That TrailWing sounds like it's in the same condition as the Used $20 Bridgestone on the back of my XJ :wink: .......& just my luck, it's now starting rain again here :shock: :roll:
  21. Not sure if Metzeler makes 'em in sizes for the DT, but I bet these would be Sweet on one :wink: .......
  22. It's amazing what Loads of Seat-Time on a bike will do for your skills :wink: ......& riding year-round teaches you how to read & adapt to the ever-changing elements. I broke my personal record this last winter....& rode in 13F(-9C) weather along with a bit of snow :shock: I get all kinds of strange looks during that time of year When I get asked, "Are you Crazy?" :crazy ... .....My response is always: "I'm just training for SKI season!" 8)
  23. Yep........the infamous RIM Brake with the caliper mounted on the inside of the disc 8)
  24. Make NO mistake about it.........Buell FireBolt's are Wheelie Monsters :wink:
  25. Me too Pete :wink: ........always had good results with Shell.
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