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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Ever wonder what colour those white-hooded chaps really are :?: :shock: Maybe my luck will improve by this weekend, & I'll get to take the boat out for a spin on my birthday :wink:
  2. That's Mighty White of Ya there Gaz! :wink:
  3. YamaHead

    Going out?

    Well I get out Every evening for 22 miles before dinner.........on the way home from work! :wink: @ least with that kind of consistancy, it keeps me from riding like a Girl!
  4. YamaHead

    How many Rossi's

    Been biking for 20 yrs. & had my knee down a half dozen times or so......even made contact with the elbow once :shock: ........but a boy racer wannabe I AM NOT :wink:
  5. I like the looks of that! :tu
  6. YamaHead

    Tyre hazer is it!

    I'm afraid you'd better get in line for that title :roll:
  7. That may be true Pete.........but I'd still like to see the Isle of Man TT races @ least once before I die! :wink:
  8. Are you kidding? :shock: .......It'll probably take me the rest of the summer to pay-off this boat :roll: ....& If I had a REAL bit of cash, I woulda spent holiday in the UK already! :wink:
  9. My thoughts EXACTLY Alan :wink: .......then it would be a proper nostalgic bike pic 8)
  10. YamaHead


    Yeah......If you're going to take the time to sign up, @ least post a note letting the rest of us know who you are & where you're from & what you ride! :?
  11. Too Bad they're riding a Rolling Anvil :roll: :wink:
  12. If I had my way (& a winning lottery ticket, of course )......I'd be inviting all of my mates from across the pond, for a month long Holiday in the Great Pacific NorthWest 8) ..........complete with loads of BEER, Water-Skiing........& 2-Wheeled Fun! 8) 8)
  13. @ least with that style, you could pull over & top off the crank-case by ringin' out your hair just a bit :wink:
  14. You Know It!....... if you don't have wear a pony-tail & burn the Motul....... then you ain't Sh*t!
  15. Was pretty stoked last Friday after work, as the Missus & I bought a 16ft. Bayliner Ski Boat.....with an 85hp 2-stroke Triple Outboard on back 8) .........but right after I get it home, it pisses down with Rain all weekend long! :x Oh well......it'll give me a bit more time to sort it all out before we drop it in the drink :wink: Pics to come soon :wink: .........
  16. YamaHead

    Full Throttle?

    Not if you've got all your weight over the front wheel with your face kissin' the clocks :wink: ..........then you'll be leaving in a Smoke-Show from Hell
  17. YamaHead

    Full Throttle?

    Depends on the situation where it's needed..........Most of the time it's a Roll-On type of thing :wink:
  18. Like the look of that piece :tu 8)
  19. Been a subscriber to Cycle World for about 4 years.........but I prefer Motorcyclist as it has alot less adverts :roll: .....plus Kenny Roberts Sr. now has his own column every month 8) Just my 2 cents worth from a Mullet-Sportin' Bleedin'
  20. YamaHead

    How the hell!!

    Probably made by some Ebay Jockie who obviously is sooooo pre-occupied with the possible profit to be made, that he can't even afford to Pay :roll:
  21. Just the usual "Consumer Lining the Corporate Pocket" trick :roll: :wink:
  22. YamaHead

    Thats a tyre

    TURNING on a tire like that, would be a scary thought! :shock:
  23. Prime Candidate's for Shooting Targets would be all the Cell-Phone sporting, Tin-Box Jockies out there these days! :roll: ........ .....along with the perverbial SuSucky Owner
  24. That just comes with the territory! :wink:
  25. Can't recall how many times my kids have knocked over my bikes! :roll: :evil:
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