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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Well. took the Missus to a Rodeo yesterday for her Birthday...(now in good standing with her :wink: ).......gonna turn a few spanners on the Boat today, to prep it for Next Weekend's Camping Excursion 8) ........Of course, that's After I get through watching the MotoGP race :tu ..........gotta have Priorities ya know :wink:
  2. I bet Derek wouldn't mind having Lenny's bank account though :wink:
  3. If there's one thing Rossi knows from being a Champion..........& that's that the race is decided @ the Finish Line! :wink: Sounds like KR Jr. got lucky with the right set-up in the right time frame (Qualifying Session). Even though he also knows the feeling of being a champion, he also has had a reputation of "going backwards" from that front row starting position :roll: I'll be tuned in for the result of this confrontation :wink:
  4. That's if they stop crying long enough, from the Ear-Splitting RD exhaust note
  5. Here, here.........Hats Off to Alan's Dad 8) .....Even more so, Hats Off to Alan for being a good lad & learning his lessons well :wink:
  6. YamaHead

    Are you....

    Gotta be something in the blood.......my bro rides......& my Dad used to :roll: He always used to tell me: "If I had MY way, you wouldn't ride @ all!....But I haven't been a very good example of that, now have I?" :wink: (He rode everyday for over 25 years) I remember when my Dad gave his last bike away to my bro .........I vowed to myself from that day, that when I reach his age.......I'll STILL be throwing a leg over a bike Everyday :tu
  7. Proper treatment for anyone who's contemplating H*nda Ownership 8)
  8. But I'd be more than willing to settle for my BIKE :shock: .....Much more Reliable :wink:
  9. Yeah.....Monty Python always seems to have that "Matter Of Fact" tone in narrating :wink: So who knows what the "F" word stands for :?: For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge :wink:
  10. The best thing to do is: Look back & remeber that's how we got HERE 8) :wink:
  11. Believe me there Dibey..........you're NOT missing much :roll:
  12. ......& What I'd give to own one like this :lovex ......... A Wicked Cool Spondon-Framed RZV 500 8)
  13. Old Benelli's are cool Alan 8) ......love those old "Out of the Norm" Italian machines :wink: But more & more I find myself migrating towards Killer Stroker machines such as this..... I've had a thing for these ever since the 1st time I laid eyes on one :lovex
  14. :hi aboard Divvy_Rider Lookin' to hopefully replace my 750 Maxim with a Divvy (Seca II) by the end of the year 8) Assuming your Divvy is a 600, I'd say that the 130+ mile range is about right for the main, before switching to reserve........I used to ride an XJ550R with similiar results :wink:
  15. YamaHead

    Ultra Seal

    I've been in the predicament before :roll: ........A C-clamp comes in handy, as a bead breaker sometimes though :wink: As far as the Ultra Seal goes......I'm not sure i've used that brand before, but have tried others like it. I used to do a fair amount of tire work for a local bike shop........& whenever I'd break into a tire from some customer, who's used that stuff....... Well, let's just say it was a HELLUVA Mess! :roll: :evil: It just takes some finesse & patience, but dealing with tubes can sometimes be worthwhile in the long run :wink:
  16. Bonafied 2-Wheeler for LIFE!! 8)
  17. YamaHead

    TV tonight....

    I see the Ol' Flavour Savers are still a hit
  18. YamaHead

    Easy Start???

    Half the satisfaction of owning a 2-stroke, is sometimes becoming a WitchDoctor just to get 'em to cough to life.......always well worth the effort though :wink:
  19. YamaHead

    Oh Dear

    The back tire on this Bad Boy, could double as a spare for my TRUCK! :shock: Here's the spec sheet...... http://www.triumph.co.uk/site/bikes/BikeSp...c.cfm?BikeID=83
  20. YamaHead

    Suzuki GS500f?

    PRIME Idea that is! :tu
  21. YamaHead

    Oh Dear

    But I bet you don't need the Magnet accessory, to pick up parts that vibrate off like Hardley's :roll:
  22. YamaHead


    But when you really think about it, it's NOT that hard :wink: ......... Designed this one myself......it's basically my wedding ring :shock: as I DON'T wear jewelry on my hands......(beat the hell outta 'em too much whilst turning spanners :wink: ) I apologize in advance for the poor quality pic :oops: ........took it in a Tequila :drunk state of mind while on holiday in Mazatlan
  23. H*nda's are only good for ONE thing............THRASHIN'! :twisted:
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