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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Jeez......Do I detect a bit of HairStyle Descrimination here :?: :roll:
  2. YamaHead

    mars 'n'venus

    Just another Pussy-Whipped Fool :roll:
  3. Sounds like a Great Trip Alan 8) Riding an XT nowadays sure seems like thee way 2 go :wink:
  4. Indeed it is :wink: Been like this here for the past few mornings.....
  5. YamaHead

    no chance

    My Sincerest Condolances Gaz
  6. YamaHead

    mars 'n'venus

    Boy, does that sound familiar....lol But fortunately my Missus doesn't do that too much anymore 8) I guess she figured out it didn't do much good :wink:
  7. YamaHead

    Just landed

    :hi to the Forum Maz My XJ is doin' the same @ the present :roll: :wink:
  8. Dude, I can remember 20 years ago & saying the very same thing! .....I think that SomeDay is about here for me :wink: I'm seriously toying with the idea of doing a cross-country trip next year for my Vaca......oops, almost 4got...Holiday I want to go see my bro & his family in Conneticut :shock: ....so I'll need to be on the lookout for the Right ride :wink: Not sure yet what that'll be though
  9. Very Good Question there Gaz! Does this help clarify things a bit?...... :wink:
  10. YamaHead


    A scary thought on Any bike.....let alone a rocket like the big Ninja :shock: Maybe this is a result of Kawi doing their R&D work under the same roof as SuSucky?
  11. Now that's funny Alan But I can't see Jay Leno refering to himself as a Complet Idiot :? .... when it comes to bikes, he's got a collection that most people would Kill for! A TRUE Enthusiast 8)
  12. A couple of people come to mind.....but I won't mention any names :wink:
  13. YamaHead

    need help

    I'd say you'd definitely have a width issue to deal with, trying to fit 350 wheels to a 125 :wink:
  14. I think it's more of an issue with the Damn EPA again! :roll: :evil:
  15. That scenery looks like where my brother lives! .......not exactly sure where in CT, but I know it's fairly close to the "shore" in a town called Madison? Fun ridin' for an Enduro pilot, it looks like :wink:
  16. .....they're still makin' the YZ250 stroker for '05 :tu ...... I think it's a Europe only model, as the only 250's we'll see over here are Thumps
  17. @ the local bike shop I used to work for, the owner had a killer remedy for those arrogant, tightwad types who wanted a full tune-up & service for the price of an oil change on their shagged bike :roll: We'd give the thing a bath, fresh oil & then Armor-All the seat after topping off the tank with some racing fuel! :shock: Those fools would think we're the Muts Nuts when they came back from a test ride
  18. Nice way to save your pride there Colie :wink:
  19. Just make sure you keep that Armor All off the seat! :shock: Could be in for a thrill if you don't :wink:
  20. I used to ride on Metzeler's for years with my 550 Seca. I think the ME33 Laser front tire is one of thee best front tires made.....Killer wet weather traction 8) I got away from 'em & went to Dunlops mainly for expense reasons, & I really like the feedback I get from Dunlops 8) But Metzeler's have always been high on my tire Manufacturer's list :wink: Might just have to look into a set for the Maxim.....as I'm waaaaaaaay overdue for some new shoes on the daily ride :oops:
  21. A cowboy lay sprawled across three seats in a posh Tyler Theater. When the usher came by and noticed this, he whispered to the cowboy. "Sorry sir, but you are only allowed one seat." The cowboy groaned but didn't budge. The usher became more impatient. "Sir, if you don't get up from there, I'm going to have to call the manager." The cowboy just groaned. The usher marched briskly back up the aisle, and in a moment, he returned with the manager. Together the two of them tried to move the cowboy, but without success. Finally they summon the police. On arrival, the policeman surveyed the situation briefly and then asked, "All right partner, what's your name?" "Jim," the cowboy moaned. "Where ya from Jim?" With pain in his voice Jim replied, "The Balcony." :shock:
  22. Hey, Whatever works, eh Bazz? :wink: Those PR types got it comin' to 'em :twisted:
  23. Was gonna ask you 'bout those Metzeler's.....I like the tread pattern 8) How well do they stick in the twisties?
  24. Dunno......Never really thought 'bout it like that .......But now that you mention it........ Maybe my new address should read: "Dave's Not Here!"
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