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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. I'll give that a go when I get home....as the PC here @ work has NO sound card in it! :roll: :wink:
  2. Can't recall if those are removable subframes or not.......if they are.....I would think you could make up 4mm diff by putting it in a vise & giving it a bit of the Persuader treatment :wink:
  3. Strictly a "Need To Know" basis :wink:
  4. That just sounds waaaaaaay too familiar there N_ :wink: Don't Give Yet though........Good things DO come to those who wait
  5. Just because, outta the Big 4 Jap Manufacturer's......Yamaha's build quality is holding steady when the other 3 seem to be falling apart @ the seams as of late :roll:
  6. I've seen those looks before also....plenty of times :wink: The scenario I always get a kick out of.......is when I roll up to a traffic light, next to an SUV full of kids & the "Soccer Mom" driver telling all the kids to roll up the windows & STOP staring @ the loon on the bike!
  7. I couldn't get that mp3 to load Beez.....but judging by the URL......that wouldn't happen to be Bastille Day 8) would it?.........I Love the tunes from their 1st 3 albums :hbang
  8. I usually attend an annual Polar Bear Run every New Years Day....rain or shine 8) ...absolute bliss on the roads!...... Everyone is @ home passed out for the day, from tying one on the night before :drunk My Yams have always ran well in the winter month's :tu
  9. Hey!.....Just coz he might find a mullet on his head 8) .... .......doesn't mean he couldn't end up watching MotoGP & listening to RUSH like a Real biker would 8) :wink:
  10. Like the Old saying goes..... When your Talkin' JACK.....JACK talks back :wink:
  11. I can totally relate to this! :wink: .....as I've been thinking quite a bit about Winter Prep as of late. Those are some good pointers there Alan 8) ......& will be well considered when the time comes in the next few weeks :wink: Just gotta finish my M8's KX that's been in my Garage for a year :shock: ....before I prep the Maxim whilst trying to build a shed roof for my Boat :roll: ......I'm gettin' there :wink:
  12. Just a bit of Photographic Proof of Factory riders hard @ work :wink: ...... The season is turning out to be a real Barn-Burner 8) .......It'll probably come right down to the wire :wink:
  13. I'm always afraid I'm gonna break 'em in 2, if they get too close :oops: :roll:
  14. ALOT of Truth in there, Alan :tu
  15. :hi to the Forum GR That FZ 8) sounds Interesting......Always have liked those small-bore inline4's :wink: As far as shop Manuals go, I can only suggest looking @ a dealer? :shrug ....which can often times get Cost Prohibitive prices thrown @ you :roll: ......but the Best of Luck with it, just the same :wink:
  16. It must be nice to have a bike with such a Stealth Effect :wink:
  17. Larch Mt. Road out of Corbett, OR.......the viewpoint @ the top of this 14 mile stretch of Tarmac, is absolutely stunning!.........can see 5 different Mountains that all are over 9,000ft tall 8)
  18. That's about the only good thing about Hardley's :roll: .......they don't deppreciate much :wink:
  19. YamaHead

    I'm back!

    Good to see ya around again Ian :wink: I would imagine that a newer R1 would require some self-disipline.....especially in the right wrist area
  20. So that's the reason for offing the EXUP,.......It's all gummed up & steers kinda heavy & slow, eh? :wink: Maybe it's time to change brands, Beez
  21. I bet he was a real Happy Camper :evil: Rice-Grindin' ones's worth owning :wink: 8)
  22. Back when the GP's ran there before.....I recall seeing the 250's getting BOTH wheels off the ground :shock: @ the top of the Corkscrew :wink:.......Also remember seeing Kenny Sr. Wheelie down that same patch of tarmac 8)
  23. That'd be the only way to suppliment the income, because you'd be finding out 1st hand, what HD actually stands for.........HUNDRED DOLLARS it'll cost ya everytime you step through the doors of a local HD dealer :roll:
  24. I'm not quite sure there Pete :? .......I have seen the name before though :wink: .....I'll have to look into getting some for the RD 8)
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