Everything posted by YamaHead
swap MT-03 for XT660X
I see you came to your senses young man! The XT will take you to more places than the MT could ever hope to. I love both of mine to bits!
Completed FZ1 Project
Nice Work Gaz! Looks soooo much better without that Bazooka sized end-can!
You may be right, I may be crazy.
Sounds like a fun trip Dave! A can of silicone spray will do wonders for your cables.
SR 250 runs better on reserve!?
Definitely a fuel tap issue
Good morning everyone
Probably having Jawa-Nightmares @ the moment.
Tyres for my XJ900
Exactly the type of folk I'm after there Dave.
Tyres for my XJ900
Had this same issue happen to me recently Alex.......some scroat slashed my rear Bridgestone! Did get lucky & scored a used race tyre from a local bike shop where I used to work.......for only $40 I'm still keen on starting a Moto-Militia to hunt down punks like this though!
Chain Suggestions
I use a 520 RK std-duty.......along with fresh sprockets.....only $70 once a year.
Dear Mr Cage Driver
Interesting Merv..... But to most typical "Cagers" that would just go in 1 ear & right out the other.
anyone know what this cover is?
to the forum Metal Hed That's where the points used to be on older XS's.....but as stated, it now houses the pick-up coil (Ignition) Had this same issue with an XS400 I used to own......I used JB Weld to fix the crack (from the inside)..... You might be able to cure the stripped bolt.....by replacing it with a slightly longer one.
- Hello!!!
Go on Yamaha - Let him loose for a few laps
Rossi @ the Isle would definitely be something to experience
Found the perfect bike (RD)!!
A Roberts Replica LC?......Sweet! Keep that beast in your sights!
Solo Weekend.....
Had plans made all last week to tend to some overdue chores around home......but like usual.....the Ol' Lady changed everything @ the last moment.....& was NOT happy with me when I told her I was staying home from a trip to the beach that she expected every1 to comply to. Finally got the nagging brake issue with my YamaHauler sorted ......now I can start planning a retrieval trip to collect a 370 Bultaco Frontera for restoration. After pulling a bit of maintenance on the XT.....just couldn't resist taking advantage of the killer weather we've been bestowed with lately..... Nice views of 'Hood along the Clackamas...... on the way to..... North fork Reservoir for a little more inspiration to get my Bayliner back in the drink. Other various views from the ride.... Now WHY can't I live here?!..... IF I lived there, I'd make it my mission to work from home! Definitely time to fill the aire with the Blue Hue again!
Solo Weekend.....
Had plans made all last week to tend to some overdue chores around home......but like usual.....the Ol' Lady changed everything @ the last moment.....& was NOT happy with me when I told her I was staying home from a trip to the beach that she expected every1 to comply to. Finally got the nagging brake issue with my YamaHauler sorted:spoton:......now I can start planning a retrieval trip to collect a 370 Bultaco Frontera for restoration. After pulling a bit of maintenance on the XT.....just couldn't resist taking advantage of the killer weather we've been bestowed with lately..... Nice views of 'Hood along the Clackamas...... on the way to..... North fork Reservoir for a little more inspiration to get my Bayliner back in the drink. Other various views from the ride.... Now WHY can't I live here?!..... IF I lived there, I'd make it my mission to work from home! Definitely time to fill the aire with the Blue Hue again!
Lookey what i finds!
Cause WF is a Jawa Junkie
82 Seca was running and now wont fire
The TAG is a year sticker applied to your license plate.....proof of registration that's been paid......every 2 years here in Oregon.
cdi issues for my xt600
to the forum GunSmoke I've wondered the same thing regarding CDI boxes..... as I've got an '88 XT600.....& an '82 XT550.
- HI guys
My new XS500
Cross-Referencing is the key with these old Beasts..... I DO know that the brakes & wheels are interchangable with other XS's & some RD's. Here's a great site for checking those part numbers, as well as having some fairly reasonable prices......MotoGrid
Nasty moment.......
Had a bumblebee land inside my helmet while doing 70mph once .....the bugger snuck in through the visor just being barely cracked open......buzzing around in my helmet, obviously was Madness.... I was immedietly down through the gearbox & had my Seca parked in NO time! .....through the helmet off & surprisingly was NOT stung! Just a bit of luck I reckon.
My new XS500
to the forum Dirk Don't see too many of the XS500's around anymore .....Plenty of 400's & 650's though! Looks like you landed it for a pretty fair deal. Like your FZR & the R5B too!
which dirt bike
Certainly can't go wrong with an XT Gabby ......
Newbie from down under
to the forum Bazil BADASS FJ you've got there mate.
Goff and more ink
But I bet his DT can outrun yours! Just remember WF.......Old Age & Tretchery win out over Youth & Stupidity......EVERYTIME!