just bought another dtr and...
i got it for cheap its been standing for a while it was used off road so has been stripped of lights etc..i have taken it apart to check it and discovered it has no power valve flap- its sealed tightly but the flap is no where to be seen..if i were to ride it with said part missing what would happen? i know theres no bottom end when there pinned open but when there not there? cheers for your time guys.
DTr 125 power valve cable..
Problem was the "reconditioned carb" was not so clean i got it from a garage so never gave its quality a second thought-lesson learned-sorted that carb ran fine but the power valve was still destroying the bikes power beyond second gear so i have put it in the open position and disconnected it- it now has a poor bottom end yet when the power kicks in its the fastest its ever been infact if id have known i would have done that a long time ago- i am happy job done
DTr 125 power valve cable..
the cable had frayed over time causing it to snap-the other one is 100%. i put a new carb on there today which has taken care of the idle issue it now rides without the choke on..i can use it for transport at least the problem now is first and second gear give the expected power delivery but after that its crap. it used to pull through every gear to 70 and sit there fine today its a struggle to hit 50,when you open it out through the gears the engine behaves and sounds like its stone cold-you know the horrible weak sound, i have adjusted the carb its made no difference...any ideas,thanks
DTr 125 power valve cable..
Thanks:)After replacing the power valve cable she now wont idle or ride unless chock is on...the carb was taken apart and cleaned when it was rebuilt..it has been problem after problem so far im lost as to what it is now
DTr 125 power valve cable..
After a few days of riding she has snapped which is not that much of an issue for me as the bike will run even better when i find one...i say..where would you find one? Cant source on on ebay as well as the internet shops i have looked in..throttle clutch and break cables seem to be the rage-the only one for a dtr on ebay is for an older version..suggestions would be valued cheers for your time-ross.
Yamaha DTR 125 Cutting Out When Pulling Off
i intend to do so- cheers again for the help im glad to finaly have it going.
Yamaha DTR 125 Cutting Out When Pulling Off
all fixed by pass done the trick thanks!
Yamaha DTR 125 Cutting Out When Pulling Off
i unpluged it and the bike cuts off as soon as i put it into first..plug it in the bikes dies in first as though suffering fuel starvation so its not the switch-cheers though.
Yamaha DTR 125 Cutting Out When Pulling Off
if that is the fault will disconnecting that solve the issue or does it have to be replaced? cheers:)
Yamaha DTR 125 Cutting Out When Pulling Off
Hey i am new here i am having an issue with my dtr, its been off the road for 13 months so i have given it a new piston,plug,air filter,gaskets,chain and sprockets, carb taken apart and cleaned etc.It starts on the first kick ticks over and revs to any rpm without a problem whilst in neutral...i have ridden it once and traveled 300 yards before it lost power and cut out and now i cant even get that far...its fine until you release the clutch past the biting point instead of moving off the engines dies..its exactly like fuel starvation yet the fuel supply is fine does any one have any suggestions for me? was meant to be mot"ed yesterday thank you for your time.
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