Everything posted by Morph
Radar and Laser detector
I've used the Road Angel series of detectors for some time. The Road Angel Plus has an inbuilt battery, which allows you to use it for up to 8hrs (claimed) before recharging. The unit is updated from a central database via a computer/Internet connection and my various models have saved me time and again!! There is an inbuilt laser detector, but I'm not too sure how well this works, as I have never to my knowledge been checked by a laser device! Have a look here for the full range - http://www.road-angel-gps.co.uk/which-road-angel.htm If you decide to go with this range, use Google to find the best prices, as they change regularly. There is a 6 month subscription free update period, followed by a monthly charge for updates. John
50 MPH limit to start next year !!
Infuriating behaviour when the conditions are safe to do so, as we all know and witness every day. You should try driving in rural Norfolk in the Summer!! Come to think of it, at any time of the year. Whatever happened to the minimum speed limit signs? Not seen one of those for years. If we do end up with a blanket 50mph limit, what about the 40mph Tesco lorries?? (Other brands are available) Anyone ever tried to safely overtake 38 tons of "rolling roadblock" with only 10mph speed differential?? I cannot think of anything more stupid than this potential action. Speed limits are just that, a limit, not a target. Surely, it is up to the driver/rider to assess the situation and risks of the road/conditions and deal with them accordingly. That's what a free country is about. We suffered the drop in national speed limit from 70mph to 60mph in the name of saving fuel in the 70s. But what will this drop really save us?? What we really need is enhanced driver awareness, not a nanny state. BTW, anyone driven on the A140 in Suffolk lately? Long stretches of completely safe road limited to 50mph - such a waste of a good road. Morph
found on autotrader
Maybe if it had been an R1, he'd have got away with it!!
FZ1 extra's
HI, Chancer. I'm also looking for a decent replacement can - see elsewhere in the forums for posts about this from other members. I have the R&G tail tidy that Yamaha dealers sell and it's fine. It has made all the difference and the fitting was really simple. With regards to the seat, I have had my Fazer for 2 years and you do get used to the hard seat. I have looked at gel covers, but excluded them. If I was to replace my seat, I would probably look at the following :- http://www.motorbike-seats.co.uk/ http://www.sargentcycle.co.uk/ http://www.baglux.co.uk/seats.php Hope you enjoy your bike as much as I have over the past 2 years Morph
fazer 1000
Mike, I have had a full fairing version for 2 years and I still love the bike to bits. I had a Triumph Sprint RS before and the Fazer blows the socks off it for performance, handling and even just cruising around. The Trumper wasn't a bad bike, it's just the Fazer is a brilliant machine. I have seen a seriously big figure on the clock (not going to admit how big on here!!) and the bike was as stable as I could wish for and without having to lie flat on the tank, I was able to comfortably hang on. I would recommend this bike to anyone - Go for it!!!
FZ1 Fazer running in period
I ran my bike in for 600 miles as the manual says - bloody boring, but as the bike is now 2 years old and runs as sweet as a nut, I'm glad I did. As fifetojo says, the first service should only cost you the service parts. Take the time to run the bike in properly - You will reap the rewards, believe me!!
Ride Outs In Norfolk - UK
Hi, Dawn. Been a while since anyone posted to you. Do you still have the bike and do you still ride out from Norwich? I live in Drayton and ride out to Sunny Hunny at weekends and know the BSE roads you mention. I have to slum in now and again and take some mates with Hondas with me, but if you're still up for rides, drop me a line. John
is it really that bad?
Hi, all. I have a 2006 (06) FZ-1S with the apparent fuel glitch. I can honestly say that although there is a small amount of snatch and I mean small, in the lower gears at around 4000-6000 revs, it definitely does not give any cause for alarm. I have ridden various bikes over the past 30 years (gulp!!) and have come across some truly awful fuel injected bikes. Anyong who says that this bike has a major issue should not be riding a bike but staying at home and lying on a feather mattress! My Fazer does not feel like the cush drive is worn, nor does it make spirited riding jerky. It's all down to being in harmony with the machine and enjoying the experience. Reading the latest reports in Bike Magazine, they say the new bike is down on power compared to the '06 version. At the end of the day, you pays your money and you gets your bike. I'm more than happy with this machine and would recommend it to anyone that wants an all round bike. regards to all... M