Everything posted by spudhed
RXS100 Dead
took the plug out and gave it a clean, it started for a second then promptly died again, so it may be savageable, however i think im going to sell it on all the same, this experience has stirred up some memories as to why i really shouldnt own a bike, so far i havent owned a single vehicle that didnt die in some way in the first week and never a solid month without a breakdown (well ok the nc29 made one month) but for some reason having the past year off biking trying to scrape together the cash for a new one, id forgotten these regular woes and the major stress that comes with it, and now im thinking "do i really need to let myself in for all that grief again" and i think the answer is no, ive accepted the fact that im no mechanic so until i have a job where i can afford to pay one regularly ill be sticking to the old shoe leather sorry for the slightly depressing mini rant there and many thanks to those who have helped out, and if anyones interested i should soon have a running rxs100 for sale, or i hope so
RXS100 Dead
cheers mate ill have to look into getting a plug spanner over the weekend and hope thats the prob, the guy who stopped on the lovely zx9 and helped me try bumping it said it sounded like it was misfiring so maybe thats it, guess i wont know until i check it out though, thanks again for the help
RXS100 Dead
sadly the plug is one of the things i havent tried, due to it being recessed into the top block i havent found a spanner to get it out yet, but id always thought plugs dont just die outright and if it was that it would have tried to go at least once (its backfired once or twice trying to bump it but thats it) but as i said my mechanical knowledge is pretty limited so i may be wrong. and by air in the fuel tank im guessing you mean is it out of juice, its not, ive made that mistake FAR too many times, i put a fiver in as i took it out the day it died, oil is full too i also read a few other posts last night and saw one where someone complained that their rxs only managed about 55mph, he was told he should rebuild and that was about what i was getting out of it in the very short time it was going, so im guessing its the piston/rings, unless it is electrical but the dash lights are fine and the headlight and others were when it was running (they dont come on now, i think the battery is too flat) but wouldnt it still bump if it was electrics/battery related, oh and the battery and flasher relay were replaced at its last mot on 11th march so it shouldnt be the battery if it is that it needs a rebuild itll be going back to ebay as i cant afford to have it fixed (last 2t rebuild i had done cost me £300 and thats not much less than i paid for the bike) but if anyone here wants to get first dibs in youre more than welcome, just send me a message or reply on here
RXS100 Dead
on tuesday i bought an rxs100 as i desperately need transport, looked in very nice condition and all seemed ok, only has 17k on the clock and had a full 12 months mot, but on its second run out it started to splutter after about 3 miles then cut out, it now wont start anymore, either by kick or bumping it, ive taken the carb off and checked it out, it was all clean as a whistle but still no joy starting it, theres fuel, oil the airbox is clean, having eliminated all this im guessing i need a full engine rebuild or new engine, just wondering if im right, i may not have a chance in hell of fixing it but at least i may be able to diagnose the prob