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Everything posted by sniff6

  1. No comment........hehehe
  2. One of the weirdest youtubes I've come across.... brilliant
  3. sniff6

    Just Nasty NWS

    Crikey and in a supermarket !!!! yuk http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhI1Lpi39GLH2JFmXw
  4. Meet the man who loved Harrier jump jets so much he bought his own and lovingly restored it to working order http://www.dailymail...king-order.html Forget motorbikes . I want one and i want it now!!!!!!!
  5. That video is of a accident that really happened in north wales, Seen it before
  6. Americans always gotta go 1 better!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA43DS2c12c&feature=related
  7. See if you can find out what he did wrong?? Hell hath no fury like a woman who knows where you park your scooter.
  8. No look at the voltage.These are/were American. It was in Dallas. More pics here click here
  9. "WELL DONE" they certainly are!!! You never saw this in the UK Morning Papers did you? Copper thieves were trying to pull a 13,800 volt live cable out of a conduit. Note the bolt cutter and the copper wire on the ground. WELL DONE - both of them Still they wont do it again!!!!!!
  10. http://www.next-gen....e-bawbag-appeal Please help Remember * £7.00 buys 20 B&H and a box of Swan Vestas to calm the nerves of a grieving ten year old.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dwR-F79MjU&feature=related
  12. You could try one of these just to compare prices ?? http://www.motorcyclewebsite.com/plating
  13. Quick get your bids in now!!! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/270860318788?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_5000wt_1235&clk_rvr_id=292455120582 AAAAAhhhhh too late lol
  14. Patience of a saint, Wow brill
  15. Excellent, my kind of humour
  16. A practical example of how the human mind works. Analysis of the above picture can tell us a lot about how different people think. - For young men, it's a picture of a lady with a nice arse but only the most observant will notice that she is crossing a street. - The really observant will notice that she is wearing a thong. - For older men, she appears to be a respectable woman - with a nice ass - on her way to work. - The perverts among them will imagine her naked. - Wiser men will ponder the presence of mind of the photographer to take the shot in the face of such beauty and be grateful that they shared it with humanity. - For half of the women, this is an ordinary woman who should not have left home dressed that way. - The other half will think she is a slut but wonder where she bought that blouse. - Older women will imagine the misery that the woman's ass will cause by the time she reaches 50. - But - only children, the extremely intelligent, and the celibate, will notice that the taxi is being driven by a dog.
  17. We had the brushed Bri Nylon bed sheets.Man the static of those things.Nice and warm to start with ,but sweating by the morning lol
  18. Scientists have created a silicone-based spray that makes phones waterproof, clothes completely stain-proof and window-cleaning a chore of the past. http://news.sky.com/home/technology/article/16110853 Ok so how do you wash your jeans?? No more bike cleaning!!!
  19. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/82007105/?lt=em
  20. Some great ideas for Christmas in there......Jet pack anyone???
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