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Everything posted by sniff6

  1. Are you sure,It was to me as a boy.You'll be saying UFO was not real next. Cant seem to remember why i liked it so much.
  2. I always thought they used models,These things look full size!!
  3. Does anyone here remember the sci-fi show 'Space 1999' ? Well.... http://www.scifiairshow.com/ships-boneyard.html
  4. sniff6

    Project Jennifer

    Easy Rider Noise, Looks great.
  5. sniff6

    Solar Eclipse

    I couldn't see the eclipse because the moon kept getting in the bloody way.
  6. sniff6

    Solar Eclipse

    Dont forget Friday 20th a partial eclipse will occur from about 08:45. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/31746958
  7. How the hell can you see that ?? I cant see anything.
  8. Ouch unlucky,I dont think i will take that up.
  9. Noddy Holder is going back on the road with Slade and visits a 70s style clothes shop to get his stage costume together. ‘So what will you need, Noddy?’ asks the salesman. ‘A pair of platform boots. Pair of flared trousers. Big glittery hat. And a shirt with a big collar,’ says Noddy. ‘Kipper tie?’ asks the assistant. ‘Oh ta very much,’ says Noddy. ‘Milk and two sugars.’ or White van man to pedestrian: S'cuse me mate does yow now if there's a B & Q in Wolverhampton? Pedestrian: Sorry mate oi don't, but I nows theres 2 D's in Dudley. Jonathan Ross has been nicked for shoplifting a kitchen utensil from Tesco. He said it was a whisk he was pwepared to take.
  10. My sister just showed me the beautiful bouquet her boyfriend has given her for Valentine's Day. "I suppose I'll be expected to open my legs now." she sighed. "Can't you just use a vase?" I said
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