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Everything posted by sniff6

  1. I'm going to put this here as an example of How not to filter in traffic.... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=728054080568409
  2. I can remember having a go on a H2 750 many many years ago and i still remember how scary it was and how the frame seemed to be made of liquorice.I'd of sworn i was doing over a 100mph ,but looking at the speedo it was only 85mph lol.Love the sound of the kawa triples and the acceleration.
  3. What a beaut, One of my favourite bikes of all time.
  4. +1 on this Drewps !!!!At least the bike can be fixed.
  5. Ouch i bet that would have hurt,Made it the hard way ..Top fella.
  6. http://www.viralnova.com/awesome-kid-answers/#Kvom5sCuHTeClOrs.01
  7. Astounding Magician Andrew Kelly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv3vrRCrj4E
  8. This comes with a warning,It is disgusting....End of. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8wLGsFvaxk
  9. Probably riding on a farmers land and that was boundary fence.Like you say welsh he was very lucky
  10. Oh Daddy will have to buy me a new one!!!
  11. Had my Halford sockets over 20 years and not given me a single problem..Nothing wrong with a few expletives mate
  12. Can you not do the speed aware course ??? £80 i think or it might have gone up. But no points.
  13. Best sounding GT 40
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