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Everything posted by sniff6

  1. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00L403O94/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00L403O94&linkCode=as2&tag=natdee-20&linkId=NGRX6ZRVOORCC57F Oh, the reviews. "This TV has a great picture, but is basically worthless. It completely defeats the purpose of watching my midget porn DVD when the actors are 5' 6" tall." "Purchased this TV for my island retreat. Use it to primarily watch comedies like "The Shrinking Middle Class", "Income Inequality" and "The Ever Widening Wage Gap." Have to say, wow what a picture! Watching the 99% struggle with this level of clarity is amazing. It's like I'm right there beside them but thankfully I am not. No need to see that suffering firsthand, I can watch it in crystal clear 4K from a safe distance. Thanks Samsung!" "As a visitor from the future, I was glad to finally find the old TV my parents kept in the kitchen. I can't wait until 2023 when Samsung finally starts producing the sixteen-foot Galaxy Note." "Who needs a roof over your head or food in your kids belly when you have a T.V. like his???? We watched Hell's Kitchen and Gordon Ramsey called my daughter a Cow and threw food out right in front of her. I swear, her little mouth was watering and tummy grumbling as we smelled the food he was cooking. After the first 2 weeks, she wasn't hungry anymore and the state came and took her away, but I still have my awesome T.V. On the bright side, I might be able to have unsupervised visits with her in a few months! Thank You Samsung!!!! You changed my life!!!"
  2. Iceland you Might need to reconsider the font you use!
  3. A flying insect just flew into my kitchen and exploded. I think it was a Jihaddi long legs My mate just got back from Africa and he can't stop buying raffle tickets. I think he's got Tombola.
  4. Try one of these... http://www.die-motorradgarage.de/media/Motorradgarage.mp4
  5. Oh the Pain...Watch the lad with the rucksack. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1010947898952400&set=vb.199098633470668&type=2&theater Ouch...
  6. sniff6

    Fake or not ?

    Who's to say they are Fake?? Could just be excess stock.Give them a try and if they are no good buy some more from somewhere else i say.
  7. You cant make it up!!! Site Disclaimer : Do Not try this at Home. Click
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