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  1. Think I figured it out. Tank got low on gas yesterday and I filled it up last night. I pulled the gas valve out of the tank just now and it was full of crud. The gas coming out of the line was really dirty as well. My tank must have a build up of something. I cleaned it out as best I could and refilled it. Runs perfect now.
  2. Hey guys, Ive been riding my XT350 for about a month now. Has run perfectly fine until the last 3 days. Ill start the bike right up on 2nd or 3rd kick. Idles fine, then I get on it and start to cruise and she only wants to run for about 5 mins. When I give it gas it hesitates like its running out of gas but the tank is completely full. Then it just stops, I have to let it sit for about 10 mins and then itll run again for about 30 seconds. It cant be overheating that fast because I was riding it for hours in 100 degree heat last week. I did run it through about 2 feet of water a couple days ago. Could this have done some damage? Any ideas?
  3. Hello, First post and visit at this forum. I just took my XT350 out of storage from winter and I cant get it to start. I drained the old gas and put in some fresh stuff and just cant get it to fire. I dont know much about motos mechanically but something def doesnt feel right when I try to kick start it. It almost seems to "easy" when kicking down the starter. Anyone have any ideas what I need to be checking?