Hi, im a relative newb, ive been riding for over a year now, and have recently got an SR125 SE. Ive had to change the engine for a newer one, as it decided to drop one of its valves in to the barel.
The Newer engine is off of a 97 bike, and it is so far running well (ish).
There is one problem though, when I come off the throtle in any gear above 3rd, the power will go compleatly, and the engine dies (as in no fuel being combusted), or when I give her a little throtle, she will sometimes become very laboured in reving, and will almost stall, or die (in neutral). It only seems to hapen when the engine is warm/hot.
I think it could be the carb, or an air leak in to the carb gaskits, but im not sure, and I cant really afford to send it in to the garage.
Can anybody help me out?