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i like my SR

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Everything posted by i like my SR

  1. i like my SR replied to vmax girl's post in a topic in The Bar
    Go gentil on the throtle then, let her do 100 miles on low revs, otherwise you may do some damage to the engine, as bits need to "remember" where they sat when the engine was running. where, roughly,are you near? kim
  2. by original, i mean the 24 year old engine that came with the bike (same Vin numbers). and, the current carb may have been dissloged when we took appart the engine. (the gas thing diddnt work btw, thanx tho). we had a bit of trouble trying to get the fuel back in to the cylinder and combusting. (about 20 min trying to get the thing to spark up) thanx. kim
  3. The tick over is a bit slow and can become very laboured, and yes, it was the carb that was on the original engine. but how could the pilot jet become blocked by just changing the engine over?
  4. cheers, will do. kim
  5. i like my SR replied to vmax girl's post in a topic in The Bar
    Ive got an SR, but im down in helston, bit far, lol. you see where the chain goes in to the gear box, take off that little pannel (two screws, one at top, one at bottom, before flywheal case join) and make sure the wires arent cought on the sporket or that they are shorting. if that doesnt help, im afraind uve got two options; 1. put up with it, lol. or 2. take it to your local bike garage, and ask them to try and fix it. (ps, u sure its not the bulb, or its conections on the dash set? they can work loose sometimes, or get corroded)
  6. just a reminder, dont even think of using that batery again. get a new one, and keep it topped up with de-ionised water, if you can get hold of it, or at the very least brita filtered water. do not use tap water, as it can contain chemicals that will react very interestingly with the battery acid. lol, (seen it done, very messy) other wise, hope it all goes well 4 u.
  7. i like my SR posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi, im a relative newb, ive been riding for over a year now, and have recently got an SR125 SE. Ive had to change the engine for a newer one, as it decided to drop one of its valves in to the barel. The Newer engine is off of a 97 bike, and it is so far running well (ish). There is one problem though, when I come off the throtle in any gear above 3rd, the power will go compleatly, and the engine dies (as in no fuel being combusted), or when I give her a little throtle, she will sometimes become very laboured in reving, and will almost stall, or die (in neutral). It only seems to hapen when the engine is warm/hot. I think it could be the carb, or an air leak in to the carb gaskits, but im not sure, and I cant really afford to send it in to the garage. Can anybody help me out? Cheers.