Everything posted by rxs100
RXS 100 ???
after i bought my rxs 100 with energy induction I realised I didnt need a 125cc engine, as this bike will out-accelerate most new 125cc bikes on the market today, and even has a top speed around 10mph more. quite torquey aswell, you can put it in 5th gear from around 25mph and it accelerates whenever you pull the throttle. also easy to wheelie, although coming out of a corner in second gear above 6/7000 rpm and hammering the throttle on might not always be the best idea. if you are 17 and want to be like your mates and buy new, expensive 125cc bikes, just stop and think about this little beauty. cheap, easy to repair, and you'll beat your mates at the lights. if you are looking for a 125cc engine, there seems to be enough space to fit a DT125 or something similar. But my rxs eats DT125's
yea i know 'bout the corners but its also on the straight.when i re-apply the throttle in 1st gear (and sometimes second) it pulls a wheelie, and i let the throttle off again and it tries to throw me over the bars. Same kinda thing as changing down gear too soon when the revs are high, but not as violent. It might just be the way it works, with the reed valves and stuff. I wouldn't know how many other geared bikes ride since i havn't been on many, but for 100cc is seems very powerful (although theres only about 12hp)
Thanks. One slight concern is it's twitchiness when the throttle is put back on. Is this normal? I can cope, but sometimes it makes me nervous going round a sweeping corner and having to put it back on, especially in 2nd and 3rd gear. I hear other yammys have low rpm problems too. Thanks for the help
well there's the obvious mods such as exhaust and stuff i suppose.i wouldn't wana mess about with the carb tho cos of the reed valves. I'm quite clumsy and scared il bend them if i start messing around. After riding many 125's I have to say this little 100cc bike is quicker than any of them up to around 50/60 mph. The only problem with it is when a small amount of throttle is applied, or the power is put back on, it jumps and twitches. Does this happen to you?
I've never owned one, but i'd say if it's anything like my CZ the points would be behind casing on the right side of the bike.usually set spaceing to 12 thou.hope this helps
I bought an RXS100 yesterday! The best bike I ever owned. I'm 17 and had a bike since the day i was 16. What year is the rxs? I have a 1997/8 model and it goes better than most 125cc bikes without any mods. Mine is a bog standard original but I always get off with a smile. I hope you enjoy the same experience
Hihi...i'm new here
Hi! I'm also 17, from england. I've owned alot of bikes in my short riding history but must say the yamaha RXS100 is an amazing little bike to ride. I have never heard of the 115 scooter you ride. Can you tell us any more on it?
Hey guys i'm new here and I just bought my first yamaha. I'm only 17 but i've had 6 or so mopeds and motorcycles since taking my CBT because I get bored and need variety. I bought a 1998 (or '97) RXS100 energy induction for £500 and I must say it's a piece of engineering brilliance. I won't be changing bike soon and it's put me off taking my test since it's got plenty of go for my use. It's so small and has great power for a 100cc. All these other kids ''looking like power rangers'' on their 'sports' mopeds havn't got a chance at the lights. But don't get me wrong i'm no irresponsible boy racer, and plan to keep the rxs as original as possible with no mods. 12 hp, 100cc bomb. Pics will be up soon. It's a really tidy find. If there are any textbook problems which are commmon for alot of RXS's, let me know. I'd love to keep the bike running as long as possible. Thanks