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Fazer Joe

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Everything posted by Fazer Joe

  1. Hi there, site seems to be up and running again, There is a selection of XT 600 maunals listed. THe register now icon is now available http://www.repairmanualclub.com/index.php?ACT=dosearch FJ
  2. Hi there, seems to be an error on the site at the moment, I am unable to access it myself, sorry fpr that. FJ
  3. try www.repairmanualclub.com I have found RMC to be a great source of info FJ
  4. Fazer Joe replied to Yahmaha's post in a topic in Naked
    Yeah, oil change at 5000 miles is about right, and oil filter too. Its the life blood of your machine. Bike will burn off some oil over time so keep an eye on the level. FJ
  5. Fazer Joe replied to FJ12SP's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    What a lovely looking machine, I am currently on the look out for an FJ1200 myself. Intend heading off touring into northern europe next summer. May I enquire as to its vintage??? FJ
  6. Fazer Joe replied to Crago's post in a topic in Naked
    AS others have said it really depends on your riding style. Are you expecting to get high mileage, or loadza grip................there is a price to pay for either. here was a great article on tyres in "Two wheels" recently, ill see if I can dig it out and post up the article. I have found the Bridgestones BT21 for the 600 Fazer to be superb, certainlt better than the Dunlop 207s FJ
  7. JUst goes to show, roads can be dangerous anywhere................. THats why we need to ride with caution and always be on the lookout for road hazards........... not only grit or diesel, this time of year road kill can be treacherous......... Ride Safe FJ
  8. Fazer Joe replied to yanto's post in a topic in The Bar
    Nice motor, plenty of twisties around thw Welsh countryside to enjoy it. FJ
  9. Fazer Joe replied to Fazer Joe's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi MRT, Mines from Glasgow, have been there a few times, but this was the first on the bike, what scenery.......... Im still buzzing after the trip. FJ
  10. Fazer Joe replied to SiX's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Nice looking bike six, enjoy the forum FJ
  11. Fazer Joe replied to Fazer Joe's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi Tomg, You should consider Ultra Seal next time you are getting new tyres. It will save you a lot a grief. Fj
  12. Fazer Joe replied to Fazer Joe's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi Alex....................... you got to expect the worst weather on these western isles, I had all the rain gear and used it sadly. Glad you enjoyed the read. Fj
  13. Fazer Joe replied to Fazer Joe's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi Scotty, I see your from Belfast, The roadworks on the M1 at the moment are a real ball breaker. Was also up at the NW 200 in May what a cracking days racing, weather held up for the meeting at least, got a good soaking on the way back to Tipperary again, guess thats biking in Ireland. Was looking at Skye on the map, maybe next time, and John O Groats might get a visit also. FJ
  14. Fazer Joe replied to roadracejoe's post in a topic in The Bar
    Not too sunny here today, Was smashing this morning, but went rapidly down hill after that. July ???????????? Where is the sun
  15. Fazer Joe posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Trip to BSB Knockhill Scotland July 2007, just got around to posting this. Day 1 This trip was in planning for more than 12 months, well the day finally arrived to head off to Scotland on 28th June this was going to be a cracking trip……………but wait. Packed the bike up on Wed night 27th June, nothing left to chance, all the bits and pieces required for running repairs packed. Calls the wife out for a photo on the bike for her family in Scotland……………then things started to go wrong. As she got up on the bike it went over, wind shield in sh1te, wifes wrist, sprained possibly broken. Gets the bike back in the upright position, shock horror the thoughts or 1000 mile journey with no wind shield. So off to the A & E in Clonmel, waiting, waiting, waiting….eventually she gets called and seen to. Chipped bone in the wrist, X rays, and some pain fillers, and a brace for the wrist. Finally gets home at 2 am. So head off at 10 am on Thursday, smaching morning, stopped off at the Esso beside Joels on the Naas Rd. Weather took a turn for the worse so I decided to put on the rein gear. Headed off into town and out through the Park onto the M50, everything going well so far, rain starts falling but only lightly. Gets to the toll on the M1 and the sky opened up. It then rained non stop all the way to Larne. Finally got checked in and parked the bike, went off to the passenger terminal for a warm coffee. They announce the boarding for the Ferry to Troon and within a very short time the Ferry set sail. Had a very smooth crossing to Troon, Was surprised that with the racing on at the weekend there was only 5 bikes on board including mine, and me the only one with a white plate. Well we docked in Troon at 19:20 and I headed for Glasgow to my brother in laws place. Got there in around an hour, dried off and had a few beers. Day 2 On the Friday morning ( 29th ) we headed off to the the Bike shop ( Warehouse ) what a selection of bike gear, bought me a new Leather Bike Jacket ( IXS ), a one piece rain suit, 2 x neck warmers, and a few other bits and bobs. I was like a child in a sweet shop didn’t know what I wanted. We went back to the gaff and unloaded the treasures and set off on an 180 mile journey to Inverness. The sun was scorching as we set off up the M8 in the direct of Erskine Bridge. Had our first stop at Tarbet overlooking Loch Lomond. The roads are fab, plenty of twisties with very good surface. By the way the 2 brother in laws were leading the way, 2 x ZX9R’s, so the pace was pretty hot, steady at worst. Headed off then to Fort William, the scenery was only breath taking, as were the roads, the place was milling with Bikers when we got to the Green Wellie Stop, a bikers haven, petrol station, convenience store and coffee shop with goodies. We stopped regurlarly along the way from Fort William to Inverness for a fag break for the smoker, none the less it was a welcome break to stretch the legs and admire the sights. The road can only be described as surreal, great camber, good surface and sweeping twisties. Eventually we arrived in Inverness and sorted out a B & B for the night. We secured a room in a B & B for STG 45 for the night, we dined and drank out fill in a local hostelry. We were back in the B & B for 11 o clock and had a good nights sleep, those that could sleep, others snored like a train relentlessly, Day 3. Arose at 8 on Saturday morning, sun was shining, we were really looking forward to getting under way. We had a good breakfast and hit the road by 9:30 am. The road out to Fraserburgh was pretty uneventful, again excellent roads but straight for the most part. We then headed on to Peterhead where we stopped for a coffee and a bite of lunch. We headed off southward towards Aberdeen, once again this route was pretty straight, although there was some very quick stretches with winding roads. We stopped briefly in Aberdeen , just to strech the legs, have a fag and a coffee. We decided to take the A93 to Breamar, this route runs by the Balmoral Estate, the roads here are a bikers dream, just miles and miles of twisties, with very good road surface. Once again this route was peppered with bikers in both directions. As we approached Perth we were diverted by the Police, the roads was closed due to a biker fatality ( RIP ). We took a diversion of around 15 miles and arrived at the Bridge of Cally. Sadly the good weather was well behind us at this point, we stopped here to gear up for the deluge that was to come, we were not disappointed as the skys just dumped on us for the rest of the day, and the weekend for that matter. WE were unable to get B & B accommodation, I don’t know why, 3 bikers soaked to the bo…x, would you want to open your front door. So nothing for it but back to Glasgow, rain pelting down all the way, Arrived back at the house in Cambuslang, changed clother ordered in as Chinese meal, had a few scoops, and the rest is sweet dreams. Day 4. Raining again on Sunday morning, but we were going to brave the weather come what may, the BSB racing at Knockhill was calling. Arrived at the circuit around 10:15, the queues of cars waiting to get into the circuit were miles long in all directions. We on the other hand decided to filter on up the outside, 2 traffic cops on bikes are coming towards us, just gave us a wave and kept going. At last we were in the circuit, parked up the bikes and had a look around at the stalls, bought few bits and pieces, then we went off to get a vantage point. The one thing I can say is that there was plenty ov good viewing places all around the track. The rain however was on and off all the day, more on than off, I was surprised that they managed to run any of the races at all. When racing did get underway it was just spectacular, the skill in the wet, Shakey Byrne was asked if he hw would be changing anything after the first race to which he replied “ my under wear “ the results of the racing are covered elsewhere on the forum so I wont go into that. WE headed back to Glasgow around 6:30 in the pouring rain. We managed to loose one of the ZX9ers on the way, he spin back to Glasgow was way too hot given the weather conditions, I had no choice but to follow in close pursuit as I didn’t know the way home, we wont go there now but I was not a happy camper. Im too long in the tooth for speeding in the rain. The sister in law had the finest roast beef dinner prepared for us when we got home, so we obliged by tucking into it and drinking copious amounts of wash down……… Day 5. Well the time had come to head back to Troon, was up early, weather looked promising so I didn’t bother with the rain gear. 15 mins down the road the skies opened. Ferry docken in Larne at around 12:30, rain suit back on as the weather was pure sh1te, Traffic through Belfast was manic, not even enough room to filter between the cars on the section of the M1 that’s under construction. Then around Newry I pulled over and took off the rain gear as it was very warm and no sign of rain.Well within 10 mins of taking the gear off I had to pull over and dress up again. The sky's opened and dumped a deluge down on me all the way to Dublin. the driving conditions were quite poor all the way to Dublin. Then it was onto the Toll road and around the M50 in Dublin, traffic once again was at a crawl although this time I was able to filter in the traffic. It was almost 4:00 PM as I rounded the Red Cow Roundabout onto the M7 and headed southward to Clonmel, Still 100 miles to go. The weather eased up for about an hour and then it poured again, I eventually got home to Clonmel for six o clock. Unloaded the bike and booked a taxi to go out for dinner with the missus, it was her birthday, and promises is promises, knackered or not. Had three pints a lovely meal and shared a bottle of wine.Was home from the restaurant by 9 o clock, at which point I was knackered.Relaxed for a while and was off to bed by 10:30. On the road again on Tuesday morning 7:00 am , back in work in Dublin, and was in work for 9:00. . What an spin well in excess of 1000 miles. .
  16. Fazer Joe posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Am back from 5 days touring n Scotland, took in the BSB at Knockhill, weather was terrible. Just thought id drop in and sat hello, am joined up over a year now but never posted. So here goes " Hello "