hi guys. i have a XT125R (58 plate brand new when purchased) and yesterday the rear wheel started shaking while riding. so i stopped checked it over saw nothing out of place so carryed on home, got home fine not a problem. went to work this morning and after about 4miles or so the rear wheel/end of my bike made sounds like i was running over a grate, so i slowed down trying to nurse to my work where i can call up the dealership and get it looked at. but less than a mile later while going at 25Mph the rear whell started the squeak then squeel for short bursts. so i stoped again and checked it over and still no sign of anything out of the ordinary. so i set off this time at 10MPH for the last mile or so into work. and it was still doing it pretty much all the way. short squeel followed by and feeling that i was running on a flat tire. go to work and checking it over again still nothing apprat from the read wheel can move ever so slightly from side to side.
Any ideas would be helpful and im at my wits end with this bike its broken down every month since i've had the f***ing thing.