Everything posted by Alchemy Roy
XVS 1300A Exhaust Dilema
You've gt quite a few options available. May be a good idea we speak and I'll talk you through what's what. Please give me a call when you get 5 on 01707 665164. Thanks, Roy
xv 750 virago 1998
On the Viragos, they all need re-jetting in my experience, I'm afraid. The reason being that they run so weak to begin with, that fitting free-flowing exhausts makes them run even weaker. I've never heard of Caligura pipes, but anything you choose needs it. For Viragos, we mainly sell Highway Hawk, or Vance & Hines slip ons. They both fit and work well on your model and sound loud without being too offensive. If you've any questions, please get in touch. Thanks, Roy
I'm exhausted
Hello Dougie, Welcome to the forum. You've got a few options available, but let me dispell a common myth at this point. When you take your cruiser in for an MOT, the noise is tested only by the tester's ear, so unless the exhaust has physically been embossed with 'Not For Road Use', it's often passed, albeit it little bit more fruity in the noise department (which is expected for a cruiser, by the way), hence it's not always necessary for you to change the pipes back to legal ones when you need to MOT it. That said, you don't want a set of exhausts that are so loud, your ears bleed. If you take a look at our website: www.alchemybikes.co.uk, then select Exhausts > your model, you'll see a range of them. Be aware that none of them are street-legal, as there's no demand for these, given their very high cost, but in varying degrees, they'll offer throaty rumbles-a-plenty and fit easily enough. SOme arelouder than others, but as a rule of thumb, the shortest are the loudest. Long exhausts are a distinctive look (not to everyone's taste), but you'll get a lot more of a hairy chest through these. Two other things to consider: 1. Changing the carb jets: very improtant this, as yours is an older-design engine and as a result, it's run hotter with a free-flowing system, hence the need to re-jet. Some exhaust manufacturers will tell you that their exhaust runs without the need for re-jetting, but this is rubbish, as even if the spark plugs look fine after running just the after-market exhaust, I guarantee you that the fuelling's not right. A Dynojet jet kit should be fitted and if possible, set up on the rolling road for fine-tuning (albeit not essenial). 2. Free-flowing air out demands free-flowing air in and to this degree, you can fit a K&N lifetime filter that will allow significantly better air flow than standard. As an example, you're Dragstar's running up a hill with an orange in its mouth as standard, but with a K&N filter, it's like having 2 grapes (if that makes sense). If you've got any questions on any of the above, or you want to discuss any of what you see in deoth, by all means get in touch. Hope this helps, Roy
xvs 1100 air induction removal
You can buyy these from Baron Custom www.baroncustom.com, or if you'd prefer to source from the UK, we can get you a kit when we next order from them. It costs around the £30 mark (if that). Alternatively, you could fit their oil filter relocation kit, which from memory comes with the AIS removal kit too. This costs around £260, but you'll save a fortune in labour trying to get to the oil filter to begin with and it's a top quality bit of kit that comes chromed. Hope this helps, Roy
V Star 1300 pic
Alchemy Bikes' XVS1300 y'all. If you've got any questions, fire 'em off.... Roy.
Oil from my hypercharger??
Morning, The Rock's advice is completely right, although I've only ever really seen this happen on Harleys, as Japanese cruisers tend not to blow back the way the US stuff does.
How do I upload images?
Many thanks Jim. As usual, you are my rock and inspiration. A force to be reckoned with. I want to make public that when next we meet, I will not only make you an entire cup of tea, but I'll throw in some real sugar... ...Please compose yourself..... Royston
How do I upload images?
Excuse my extreme thickness, but how do I upload images onto the forum? (It's at times like this that I wish we were all still using the abacus). Please help.....AAAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH........... Thanks, Roy
Custom Parts
I'd love to, but Highway Hawk no-longer make exhausts for the XVS125. If I hear of any they have lying around, I'll post info for sure.
Custom Parts
Let it go man; common sense was not a pre-requisite when I joined the forum! Take a look at our website on www.alchemybikes.co.uk for the above and various bits and pieces, if you fancy. IF you want more personal advice, give me a call on 01707 665164. Hope this helps, Roy
Just been out - scraping the footboards
Pegs with a lesser diameter - by this, I simply meant pegs shorter than footboards and the only reason I mention suspension is that uprating what you've already got stops potential wallowing that leads to a limit in ground clearance. As for the forward controls I mentioned, take a look at www.highwayhawk.com and search under part number 492-607 to see a set of forward controls on an XVS1300. They're forwards aren't too bad and are only £290-odd, which we have on back-order at the mo, but will be available in the not-too-distant future. This will certainly help ground clearance... Thanks, Roy
Custom Parts
How do you do Squire? What kind of parts are you after Martin?
New guy requesting help/advice
Hello Bill, If I'm not mistaken, they look like Silvetails. If this is the case, we can get for around £55 each and they'll take the cutting noise away, without making them too quiet. However, if you want a set, I'd advise looking for any markings that denote the word 'Silvertail', as it's rare they ever make a pipe without their logo. Hope this helps, Roy
Just been out - scraping the footboards
Very common problem this. Typically, if a cruiser's fitted with boards, you'd like to think you can remove them in favour for pegs with a lesser diameter, but that's not possible on your model as far as I'm aware, simply because of the fixed board mountings the cruiser comes with from the factory. So, either replace remove the boards altogether and replace them with forwrd controls (if you're, say, over 5ft 10", or so), or actually, fit firmer progressive springs in the front forks and a better quality rear shock, so that you've got less chance of grounding out under load. If you want, I'll check to see what (if any) forward controls are available tomorrow (Monday) if you want; please just say. As for the suspension, that's probably still in development with a few companies, given the relative newness of your model, but something may already be available. Again, I can check into this tomorrow. The only thing to note with forward controls is simply that 99 times out of 100, you cannot fit engine guards with them fitted, as one will invariably get in the way of the other. You'll always have this issue in varying degrees because of the nature of a cruiser's geometry, no-matter which cruiser you ride. Hope this helps, Roy
V Star Handlebars
Jim's right Ian, the RSTD bars are firm favourite. We've had a few 950 bars fitted by various customers, but either option works. Your local Yamaha dealer will price up the 950 bars, if that's the route you choose. Roy
Alchemy Bikes
Hello, Roy here from Alchemy Bikes. Some of y'all know who we are, but if you're not sure, we sell custom parts and accessories for predominantly Japanese cruisers from our unit in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire. We also get strong demand for Yamahas. I'm posting this not to sell, but just to offer any advice on parts & accessories you've got in mind to fit, etc. Also, you'll also be aware of how it can on the surface be cheaper to import from the USA. I can talk you through potential pitfalls that I've experienced. If you've got any questions, please get in touch. Thanks, Roy.