Everything posted by TR Young
sissybar mounting on xvs1100 custom
Unfortunately, I do not. They used a stock picture for multiple sissy bars. There were multiple auctions for both the 1100 Custom and the 1100 Classic, all using the same picture. The auctions for the 1100 Classic were $75 less than the Customs. I went ahead and bought one for the Custom, spending the extra $75. I figured that had I gone the other way, I could have modified it and made it work, but didn't feel like screwing with it. I don't mind $75 for peace of mind.
sissybar mounting on xvs1100 custom
I made the mistake of winning an auction on ebay for a sissybar that is for the 1100 classic. Does anyone know if this will fit on my 1100 Custom? Thanks!
they are watching you, beware
I'm sure that we're well on the way to the same treatment here in the states, as well.
BMW car drivers
If they are fortunate enough to be able to find a marble that bounces off their windshield at speed, they need to buy a lottery ticket!
the right way to arrest a terrorist
Damn straight! Chalk one up for the Spanish police!
BMW car drivers
Ride with some marbles in your jacket pockets. If the offending ass-rider doesn't back off after a couple brake checks, then reach into your pocket, grab a marble, and toss it over your shoulder. You can pull it off without being conspicuous, and the ass-rider will back WAY off once their windshield is cracked.
a little help
Dental floss is a good way to go, but there is a little trick. What you want to do is get a good, long piece of floss and slice through the backer, pulling the floss at either a downward or upward slant until the decal is off. If you 'saw' the dental floss, it could heat up the adhesive enough to glue itself back together behind the floss and you are no further than when you started.
1974 DT360A Restoration
fantastic restore job! That's one nice looking bike.
Oil from my hypercharger??
Ah, ok. This really eases my mind to know that the stock filter has an outlet for the oil. That solidifies it for me. Thanks a ton! I can't tell you how sick I felt when I saw that oil on my new bike!
Oil from my hypercharger??
So this isn't going to cause any problems then, huh? I just need to wipe up the oil from time to time.
Oil from my hypercharger??
Wow, really? I've never heard of that before. Like you, when I noticed it I was about sick to my stomach... I thought to myself, "Well, that's why it was so cheap." I was pretty disappointed. I appreciate the heads-up!
Oil from my hypercharger??
I have a very low mileage '06 V-Star 1100. Bought it last week with only 517 miles on it. It has a Kuryakyn hypercharger installed. I noticed tonight that there is oil leaking out of the bottom of the hypercharger. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? What would be causing that, and what do I need to do to take care of it. Dealership where I bought the bike sells all used bikes "as-is", so I have no warranty with them.
2006 V Star 1100 Custom stock HP?
I appreciate that!
2006 V Star 1100 Custom stock HP?
I was wondering if anyone out there can help me. I was wondering what the stock HP is on my 2006 V Star 1100 Custom. Just looking for a baseline so that I can keep track of componentry. I don't know if it makes a difference or not, but I am in the States... some bikes have different HP when sold to different countries for certain purposes. Thanks in advance!