1996 dt125r...struggling !!
Folks I'm getting a new battery today. Yesterday I drained the old fuel and replaced with new stuff. I also put in a whole bottle of STP Carburettor Treatment. I know it says to just put a bit in but under the circumstances I took a chance and just put it all in with a gallon of unleaded!! lol Hopefully the battery will improve things tonight. Incidentally...another lighting issue....the dipped beam appears to be at the correct level but the full beam appears to be pointing to the sky for some reason. It is definitely very high. Is this easily adjusted??? Many thanks for all your enthusiasm to help me. I really appreciate it. Best Wishes Chris
1996 dt125r...struggling !!
Hi MaD.VeZ I'd be grateful for any help you can give me on this. I'm not particularly gifted in the technical department and don't really have the ability to replace/repair things like this!! Chris
1996 dt125r...struggling !!
Folks I've just acquired a 1996 dt125r with 11000 miles. the bike is in really good condition but has been sitting in a garage for 2 years without ever being started. imagine my surprise when after 15 mins of kicking....it started!!! i was amazed at this. However.......2 problems.......as follows: First, the lights work but are very dim when on idle. on revving they are fine. when i turn on the indicators they dont flash on idle but they do when the bike is revved. im assuming it simply need a new battery. Is this likely to be right??? Secondly, the bike has a power pipe fitted and in gears 1-4 it takes off like a hare and is very quick, but in 5th and 6th even on a flat road it seems to die a bit. It doesnt give the impression it's gonna quit but it simply has no life in it. this happens as low as 40-45mph. I havent added any petrol to the bike so the stuff in it is 2 years old or more. Is this a likely cause? or is there something else i need to do? There is no restrictor on the bike. Otherwise im amazed that its going so well bearing in mind how long it has been sitting for. Any help would be appreciated. Chris
What's it worth???
Folks I have a 1996 Yamaha DT125-R (2 stroke) which I am planning to sell and I was hoping someone could give me an idea of what to ask for it. I don't want to rob anyone and I don't want to give it away at a silly price either, I just want to be fair. So here's the info....... January 1996 10700 miles 2 KEYS In excellent condition, no damage anywhere. Never dropped or taken off road Has a power pipe fitted and will do 70mph (sounds strange....but it's true!) Purple and White Has been debadged of all graphics 2 new tyres just 200 miles ago Wheels in excellent condition All plastics in unbroken condition Has only been used in good weather Will be sold with a FULL MOT AND 12 MONTHS TAX!! BIKE IS IN NORTHERN IRELAND I'd be grateful if anyone could give me some guide, and suggest a price that is likely to attract a fairly quick sale. It's been sitting in the garage for almost a year now and I want to move it on to someone who'll get some use from it. Many Thanks Chris
What's it worth?????
Folks I have a 1996 Yamaha DT125-R (2 stroke) which I am planning to sell and I was hoping someone could give me an idea of what to ask for it. I don't want to rob anyone and I don't want to give it away at a silly price either, I just want to be fair. So here's the info....... January 1996 10700 miles 2 KEYS In excellent condition, no damage anywhere. Never dropped or taken off road Has a power pipe fitted and will do 70mph (sounds strange....but it's true!) Purple and White Has been debadged of all graphics 2 new tyres just 200 miles ago Wheels in excellent condition All plastics in unbroken condition Has only been used in good weather Will be sold with a FULL MOT AND 12 MONTHS TAX!! BIKE IS IN NORTHERN IRELAND I'd be grateful if anyone could give me some guide, and suggest a price that is likely to attract a fairly quick sale. It's been sitting in the garage for almost a year now and I want to move it on to someone who'll get some use from it. Many Thanks Chris
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