1981 yamaha 400 xs special , charging , wiring stator problems?
yea its definately a short some where , but wires look fine on the stator assembly , but i feel like the short has burned it out yet agin . only the tail light an ingition switch is all componets that havent been replaced. thanks for ya reply
1981 yamaha 400 xs special , charging , wiring stator problems?
1981 yamaha 400 xs special , charging , wiring stator problems?
i believe the fuses are 20 amp but it doesnt blow them all at once , it does fine for a week or so then , when it starts to blow them its no power to any thing and the short i trace to one of the plugs coming out of the stator case. un plug it short is gone , ive replaced about every thing already ,harness, regulator ,rectifyer turn singal cancel , well every thing but the ingition switch , which showed no shorts when i tested it , possibly just a used stator i got was on its way going bad huh , im gona ck once agin behind the head light before i put next stator in , on the head light kill switch i installed ect , yea the wires behind stator cover an under engine looked good and i was extra careful routing them behind the case and underneath. just real weird problem but got to find it before buying stators sends me to the poor house lol thanks pal for your reply
81 xs400 starter
well on your starter rebuild your gona have to pull the stator cover off i do know from that side anytime you pull the starter and guide the gear and chain back on the starter shaft . losen the clamp under neath engine holding the wires or relese them from clamp and get enough slack to re permatex the case and then going back be sure your wires are perfectly clear of the case as not to pinch them going back or ya will short the stator on engine or cut them into an have no power, and if your on the side stand and lose engine oil besure and check an refill before you restart , check the starter before you bolt the case back to engine and be sure it whirls engine ok . i had to remove the shims on the end of my nose housing so my starter didnt bind and would spin engine good . make sure ya alien wrench is a good tight fit in those alien bolts or ya strip some ya got a pain in the ss . good luck on it now hopefully some one can help me with my electrial situation lol
81 xs400 starter
1981 yamaha 400 xs special , charging , wiring stator problems?
hi every one i have a 1981 yamaha 400 xs special , ive replaced the wiring harness , actully it twice because it fried another stator so i replaced it with another harness , replaced rectifier an the regulator , it ran last time a couple weeks every thing worked did great , then the other night started it an just shut off , i checked fuses an the main an singal were blow agin , id replace them an blow soon as pluged them in , re tried old regulator an rectfier didnt help , main fuse has ground on one side , un plug regulator short gets dimmimer but still there , un plug stator conector shorts gone , or the main red wire going to the starter ceylnoid. which i also replaced the starter celynoid , only thing ive did different to the bike is install a switch betwee the main head light wire an the ingition switch hot wire when switch is on to kill head lights and tail light. and ive had 3 or 4 different turn singal flashers 3 prong none worked so i put in a 2 prong car flasher they worked great , im in process of having stator an electro mangent checked now , but last time was the same i put on a good stator electro manget and in maybe a week it had blown it the same way . my battery is also new . and all singals an switches ect except the ingiton switch which i did check to see if was shorting an it wasnt or at least not at the time i checked it , does the head light have to be burning at all times to keep the electro manget operating in some way ? helppppppppppppp any clues here [email protected] thanks Joe
joe f
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