My New MT-03 :D
Hey mate, I got an 08 Red MT-03. Mine unfortunately does not look as clean but I will try and get it a wash as quick as the weather improves. Your insurance is a killer as I am only paying 300 for mine but I am 33 years old .. Quick questions is that a "matt" paint finish on the bike? If it is , it looks amazing... Edited: I am an idiot and should read your fist post.. It is matt indeed. May I ask where you got that done? Ride safe!! Mazza
Hello and advise
You are completely right. I am just been lazy and I would like a bit more power from the MT03 but I like the looks of it too much. Its just annoying that the battery is so hard to get to especially when I need to remove for x weeks if the weather is crap or I am away travelling. The grips issue is a weird one as the new battery is fully charged (charged it with an optimate prior installing in it on Saturday) so I think I might have blown a fuse... I need new rear breaks pads so when I give it in to replace those I might ask them to have a look ($$$$ ) ... I would like smoother bike but like you said the MT has something about it that makes me smile everytime I ride it (put 2 up and it will struggle so badly). Took my friends GSXR 750 for a ride few weeks back and I didnt enjoy it at all although it is a beast of a machine and didnt have to change gears every 5 secs. Anyway I better keep the MT-03 otherwise wife will kill me Once again thanks guys/gals Mazza
STOLEN, London SW9 - XT600E
Yes I know the feeling. My little XT125 was stolen in front of my house during the day SW18.. I hope you find it mate and I will keep an eye on it as well. Look in ebay , gumtree and so on like everybody said. Good luck !
Hello and advise
Hello all, First of all I wanted to say hi and introduce myself. Mario is the name and I am a proud owner of an 2008 MT-03. This is my first "large" bike and my bike before that was an Yamaha XT125 which got stolen unfortunately. I love riding but with lovely weather lately I was unable to take the bike for a spin for long time. Of course my battery died and after hours of frustration as the battery is under the petrol tank I got the bike working last night. I had a big smile on my face riding it for 30 minutes although some issues did appear: 1. Burning smell (I presume is safe but you never know) 2. My Oxford heated grips switched on and then died and they will not switch on anymore. I am shit with doing any mechanical work so I am worried I did something when I was trying to put in the new battery. Alarm is working and so are all the other electrics except of grips. Ok here is the major issues I have with the MT-03 (some my fault): 1. As I have to park outside always under cover is rusting loads (surface rust) 2. I have been riding for couple of years but with the MT-03 my back wheel gets locked very easily had some close calls!! 3. Battery location is killing me 4. Lovely bike but it is missing some grunt as I do 8 miles on the M4 each day it can be slow. I am thinking of upgrading it to an XJ6 naked with maybe ABS but I just wanted to know if the XJ6 is naked as well will I really have any better performance on the high way? I know it can do 130mph versus 103mph on the MT03 but will I be able to hold on Will ABS really help my constant locking of the back wheel? I know it is my fault the way I ride it but while I am modifying my riding I prefer to be safe. Does anybody know where the battery on the XJ6 is located as I would need an easier way to recharge the battery every winter. Again I am pretty bad doing mechanical work and after last weekends replacing the battery on the MT03 I dont want to ever do it again So many questions sorry for a first post sorry. If anybody wants to know info about the MT03 pls come and ask me. PS . I really love the looks of the MT-03 and the high ride which is why I thought of upgrading to a XJ6 thanks all, Mazza
Mario V
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