how do I delete my account?
Trying to figure out how to delete my account can someone point me in the right direction?
Look what I traded for
With the FZ I was tempted to do things I shouldn't and the best way to avoid temptation is to not have access to it. Now I'm perfectly happy just to cruise around and still have the power there when and if I need it. The Maxim suits my style better anyway.
Look what I traded for
I recently traded my 1988 Yamaha FZ 750 for a 1985 Yamaha XJ 700 X Maxim plus a few other parts for the Maxim. I have to say I enjoy riding the Maxim a lot more than I did the FZ any way here's a couple pics. Let me know what you think.
rattle in final drive gear???
Cynic, You were right once I got the bike over 60mph and shifted into 6th it was fine. Guess I won't be using that gear very often where I live and ride. I greatly appreciate your help and input. Keep in mind this bike has been off the road for over 3 years hence the slow speed check. I took the bike for an hour and a half ride and everything else checked out good. Thanks again. Randall
rattle in final drive gear???
1. yes 2. yes 3. not sure (was doing low speed final check of everything) will check again today at normal speed 4. same as #3 5. it seemed to stay the same but, will check it out more today 6. sounds kind of like putting a small rock in a can and shaking it 7. don't know I don't have access to a stand It made me nervous when I first heard it and I immediatly clutched and down shifted. Better to be safe than sorry. Wanted to visually inspect before I did anything else plus I was close to home.
rattle in final drive gear???
Ok, I finally finished everything up on my 88 FZ750 and took it out to stretch it's "legs". But when I shifted into 6th gear it started rattling didn't sound like a motor rattle and have no idea where it came from so I quickly down shifted and it quit making the noise. Any ideas on what would be causing this problem? What I should look for? All other gears are fine no noise, no vibration or anything. On a second note do you think it would be safe to ride as long as I don't shift into 6th? Like I said everything else checks out great. Thanks, Randall
New from Alabama
Thought I'd update everyone I rebuilt the carbs, changed the plugs, oil and gas hit the switch and she fired right up let it idle for a min. then tried to give her some gas. She was purring like a kitten took her for a short ride and came back and checked everything. Still have a lighting issue to address (rear blinkers) but, otherwise she's ready to ride.
FZ 750 starter solenoid?
Just wanting to be sure I'm right here. On the starter solenoid 1 terminal is for the batt and is constant "hot", 1 goes to the starter only "hot" when starting, the other 1 is the switch and is only "hot" when you push the start button when triggers the washer inside to send power to the starter. It should be the same as an automotive system I would think. Am I right or wrong? Where would you look if the smaller trigger wire has power to it all the time like the batt side only lower volts? Either way I'm pretty sure the solenoid is bad considering I can't get it to engage the starter wire
New from Alabama
Just got my first sport bike 88 FZ 750 today actually. Haven't had a bike in years I'm definatly going to need some help as the bike has been sitting for 3 yrs. and when it was stored it fell off the trailer and did some front faring damage. Any way when I get a chance I'll post some pics. From what I was told it is a rare find since it is the blue/white/yellow stripe color scheme. I don't know about that I'm just glad to have it!
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