Xs400 Exhaust Help
xs400 cafe Here's the million dollar question. WHERE'S THE BATTERY?!?!?!?! Where'd it go? Not to mention the electronics.
Xs400 Exhaust Help
If your seat is like mine you might have to cut a little but have a look at this, this is the down and dirty way; no welding and no fiberglass http://classicbikes.actieforum.com/technics-tutorials-f25/how-to-make-a-cafe-seat-without-polyester-or-welding-t439.htm or this (sand-able foam and fiberglass) http://dotheton.com/index.php?topic=3374.0 Bobber seats http://www.rattlers.co.nz/page2c.html http://japbobbers.blogspot.com/2009/02/making-solo-seat.html
Xs400 Exhaust Help
Don't be afraid of messing up, I would know, that's usually my luck. I have a 360 and was unsure what to do with it, Like you I also don't want to stick much money in it. Only after noticing that the rear part (where the turn signals mount) was broken did I cut off the tail and made a Brat style. For your seat I suggest using Fiberglass. Here are some links: http://www.customfighters.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22549 http://www.stargis.net/webslinger/Docs/Howtomakeafiberglassseatpan.pdf I just cut my existing pan down and had a friend re-weld it for me.
Just got an XS 360
grumble grumble grumble curse curse curse!!! Dropped the bike and dented the tank. OK, now the real question, When the bike is running I have exhaust coming out the Head Gasket. Is this most likely because it's not tight enough or did I blow it running with out an air filter (not driving, just in the garage checking the engine, starter, timing, ect...) ...I'm completely lost jetting the carbs. Does the measurement mean turns or the jet size? EDIT: NM I did some more research, I figured it out. BUUUT what size are the OEM jets? And as per the web site: 2 for no muffler, 2 for individual intakes, and 2? for no filter (panty hose filter really)
Just got an XS 360
~ Drewpy How do I re-jet the carbs for a no mufflers? I got her to run but the left cylinder is popping, where as it wasn't with the muffler on. Any tips or tricks?
Just got an XS 360
OK here's an update. I have the handlebar, mirrors, throttle body and new throttle cable ordered and they come in on Mon. I also have the tank painted (still have to do some trim) and the seat pan I pick up on Mon as well. Now I need a suggestion for tires. I was thinking either Avon Mark II or the Dunlop K81. I'm going for a Brat style bike, any suggestions? AND, is there any way to post a picture with out an HTTP link?
Just got an XS 360
I saw those, but I can't fathom why they are $300, ITS ALUMINUM!!!
Just got an XS 360
DAAAH!!! Anoyone know where I can a find a fuel tank damper? I have looked on bikebandit, cmsnl.com, oldbikebarn and ebay there are none to be found. It's part #12 from here
Just got an XS 360
Thanks BRB for your feed back and help. And Thanks to Drewpy for all your help with the engine. I'll post pics when I get it looking somewhat cool :-)
Just got an XS 360
Anyone know if they make a rearset for the 360, or is the 650 set the same?
Just got an XS 360
Drew, I have a looooot of slack, I finally got the old girl running and took a risk shifting the tranny on the center stand, I had the adjustment screw at the very end. I will get a box spanner and do what you said, but will it take up ~10mm? Another thing, how do I NOT use a battery? I have seen a lot of bar hoppers, bobbers and cafe racers with no battery in it and I like the way it looks.
Just got an XS 360
No, I didn't even think to look at them. I used silicone to seal the carb collar due to a small leak, I will later replace them both. I want to make sure the bike is running right first, engine and tranny and then I will replace all the old parts. Speaking of the tranny, how do I remove the clutch cover on the tranny? I was wanting to tighten the cable but can't get the cover off.
Just got an XS 360
ok I got the idle speed down to a norm, but noowww I have no power in my right cylinder and i hear a ticking noise, is this due to the (small) leaking intake valve I stated earlier?
Just got an XS 360
On the outside, but not 100% sure about the inside. So if I need to replace them where do I find parts? Also where do I find OEM parts for it? and a Cafe seat if anyone knows.
Just got an XS 360
OOOOOOHHHH You mean you have to set the points on the power stroke, not randomly... Cleaned the right carb, and it wasn't very dirty so I left the left carb alone. OK, so I got it running and it cuts off and I believe that's due to a bad intake valve. Anything else I need to adjust while I'm at it?
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