TW125 2004 Front Sproket Problems
Posted this a long time ago, I was actually searching google when I found this thread. I am still using the Honda lock plate I mentioned in this thread, On Saturday just past I noticed the plate was bent out of shape on both bolt holes this was probably because I didn't fully tighten it up on my last sprocket replacement. The odd thing is I notice I mentioned the original sprocket had 4mm holes and the new one I got had 6mm. Well I have replaced that front sprocket several times since my original post (still use the same bike daily) and all the sprockets I buy now all come with the 6mm holes I have never had one advertised for my bike which has come with the original sized 4mm threads, so it seems almost all sellers are selling the bigger holed front sprockets but has anyone got any compatible local plates for these because mine seems to have taken some minor damage so I want to find a replacement.
TW125 - Exhaust advice
Hi all, had my tw125 for almost 3 years now gonna have 3 years no claims as a learner pretty embarrassing aye? anyway to get to the point exhaust sprouted 2 holes last Monday so that was a treat spending 2 hours after work in the halfords car park patching them. Anyway I am looking for a new exhaust and can't find anyone selling a original stock exhaust so I have been looking into custom exhausts. Found one manufacturer in the UK that sells slip ons and complete systems: http://www.gpr-motorcycle-exhausts.co.uk/c/328/TW-125.html And there is the exhaust section on tw-parts.com http://www.gpr-motorcycle-exhausts.co.uk/c/328/TW-125.html Anyway I will probably be looking for a complete system so I don't need to think about it for a while, what I was wandering is both of the places listed have complete systems ranging from £300 - £400. I am a full time student and part time worker so I could find this amount of money but it would bleed me dry so does anyone know someone that could make me an exhaust for less than the cost of these 2 places? I will be fitting it myself so fitting isnt a factor I need to build into the cost, I do all my own mechanics ... probably why it breaks all the time - Sam
TW125 2004 Front Sproket Problems
Was the sproket locking plate and bolts off a old honda 125 engine we had im not sure what model it is or anything its a 6 speed 125cc its really old what ever it is think it used to be for racing or somthing 6 speed on a 125 engine doesn't make sense to me. I was thinking i could of actually put new 4mm holes into the sprokets i bought but the drilling and messing around cutting new threads this was easyer. I havent come across anyone reporting the same problem maybe i just got unlucky. I will try to remember to post a pic of my bike tommorow when i put the back wheel on its so muddy xD need to wash it but as soon as i do one trip down my road and its muddy as hell again.
TW125 2004 Front Sproket Problems
Well after i posted i went back out and poked about in the outbuildings (live on a farm) and we have all sorts of engines and stuff lieing around and i got it sorted, used somthing off a honda engine its not original anymore but it fits like the original so im not too fussed about it and it means i can just keep buying the sprokets i have been getting. Cant really take the original to a bike shop closest one would be 50 miles and the bike i have is my only transport. Thanks for the advice anyway. The bolt's on the sprokets i bought were 6mm threads and the original is 4mm incase anyone was wandering. Thanks "2 Wheels"
TW125 2004 Front Sproket Problems
Hi this is my first post, I would like some advice or help i have a few ideas on what to do but i would like to know what you all think. I bought my tw125 04 model about a year ago now and have ran into a problem changing the front sproket this is my first bike (don't have a car) and i have had no troubles changing brakes, chains, rear sproket, oil and filters but this front sproket is getting on my nerves a bit, because obviously you will know if you own a tw125 the sproket cover you need to take off lets the oil out and i always change the oil rather than top it up so i try to avoid taking the sproket cover off but the first time i did it i got a shock because the sproket i bought which was "Supposed" to be a 04 model sproket has bigger bolt holes in it than mine. Now i have considered shaving some off the locking plate and using bigger bolts but the plate it self has almost no metal on it so shaving more off is going to be cutting it dangerously fine for my own peice of mind. Now i contacted the website i bought the sproket off and they told me it was supposed to fit and i should just do as i said but i would prefer not too. So i bought another sproket off another website and that was the same big holes. I dont know what to do. Has anyone had this problem before? To fix it i would need to get new bolts with the same size bolt head so it doesnt knock the chain off and a locking plate that has bigger holes too. I had a look for a locking plate all over the web and couldnt find one and i contacted the websites i bought the sprokets from and neither had the locking plates. I can probably find bolts somewhere local but i live out in the country side so bike dealers are few and far between around here for going to with this problem. Any ideas or opinions?
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