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  1. Greetings, The question below pertains to my 1982 XS400 Maxim. The bike was running fine the last time it was used so I'm thinking there's something stuck in the fuel system. Was curious if someone could provide some suggestions after pondering the following symptoms: Bike sat for ~3 months without being fired Got the bike to warm up but, oddly, the motor will idle very high (3-4k) when the choke is 'off' and the idle will come back down to something more normal when the choke is engaged. Basically the opposite behavior from what you'd expect. I don't believe there's kinking or snagging in the throttle cable as throttle operation seems pretty snappy still. Is it possible the float needle is stuck? Or could the throttle needle have popped out of its jet? I'm not sure if I'd be able to tell if one or both of the cylinders are affected...however, it seems like both cylinders are behaving this way. Thanks much!