Hi fellow associates. My name is Vykintas and this is my first post here.
I own a 91 Yamaha TZR 125. And all I can say is, my bike is just great!
Ok, getting to the point here..
The bike is ok, acceleration, top speed is good, no strange sounds coming out of it, everything seems to be fine, BUT. If I leave it for a two weeks or more and then come back to my garage, try to start it up, it doesnt start. I checked the battery, the spark plug, fuel. Tried the choke too. My garage isn't cold, everything seems to be fine. I need to push it, run along with it, jump to the 1st gear few times to start it up. After five minutes of warming it up it starts just fine.
I'm thinking about the piston and the rings, maybe they didn't have enough lubrication and the compression went down? Becouse I mix the oil with fuel manually. Blocked the oil pump and mixing it with domensional syringe, just to be sure. The ratio is 1:50 (1ml oil to 50ml fuel) Or maybe something with the combustion wires?
If You had the same problem, please reply. Other suggestions are acceptable too.
Thanks for Your help, guys. May the season come faster and good luck on the road.