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Everything posted by dan28

  1. dan28 replied to saska21's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    the plastic chrome? i guess you mean the caseing either side of the engine you could rub it use 320 paper then 500 you could paint it with alloy wheel silver paint it wouldnt be shiney like chrome but it would look better there is a breakers near me breaking a full xvs drag maybe you could replace the parts
  2. the lights on my xvs arent standard an to be honest i dont like them i plan to fit a rear led light an a old headlight from a honda melody ( onece a have smoothed the casing) the bulb in the headlight is 6 volt is it possible to swap the bulb for a 12 v or maybe fit a hid headlight ( i am told they use less current but are poor through clear lenses
  3. dan28 replied to christofeser's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    you could maybe remove the air filter an fit a cone filter to the carb using a rubber reducer but in my opinion it wouldnt suit the bike maybe try fitting a pancake style filter leave the back plate part of the standardair filter on an attack the pancake filter to it
  4. does any one have a wiring diagram for these is it possible to make one switch do both
  5. dan28 replied to bruno26's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    i have a xvs 125 the frames been chopped so its single seat i bought a metal fender an shortened it just make template out of some metal sheet to get the curve right an take it to your local breakers an see what they have or shorten the original
  6. it picked up it for a pre mot an brought back to me since its been it wont start an the screws were missing from the air box so someone has been fiddling it ran fine before it went
  7. the manual is very vague on this i know there is the black adjuster but in the manual it has a very small pic of this area Uploaded with ImageShack.us there should be some screws somewhere? click the pic to enlarge
  8. dan28 replied to dan28's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    the standard throttlle cable is a twin setup it had been replaced with a mini moto single cable throttle i dont now know which way around they as i never had one to compare it with on the bike the cable that is furtherest to the left which cabe from the throttle should conect to it?
  9. dan28 replied to dan28's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    throttle adjustments do you mean the adjuster on the throttle asembly ? its got maxium slac on the cabe adjuster but the inner cables needs approx 10mm more i cant find much on it in the manual
  10. i am attempting to fit the correct twin cable throttle to my bike ive fitted the lowest cable to the carb the upper one doesnt seem to have enough slack on the inner cable to enable it to sit in the groove what am i doing wrong?
  11. can you post a pic of the breather an the small plastic valve please
  12. when i got it ,it didnt run it bogged down an wouldnt go this was sorted by stripping the carb an draining the tank after that it did ride ok but seemed to lack power the choke cable was bodged (by me as it didnt have one) i later decide to fit a clutch lever off a gold wing as it has the choke lever is built into the clutch lever clamp an looks tidyier after doing this it warms up on choke fine but when you try to set off there is no power from the throttle when you move it slightly when engaging first gear but it never really picked up straight away if you give it say half a turn or more its fine but thats no good when trying to set off the tank has been drained an the carb cleaned twice it has new plugs
  13. i want to replace the throttle on my xvs the previous owner has fitted a mini moto throttle i think this may be why it doesnt run right its hard to find a xvs throttle do any other bikes use the same throttle assembly?
  14. dan28 replied to Paulwhite's post in a topic in General
    if you do change the mudguard design send me a pm if the old fender is up for sale
  15. dan28 replied to Paulwhite's post in a topic in General
    ah i see there are some pics of mine search my posts an look in the poor running thread i ve already seen your bobber project ( ive posted a reply on it) it looks good but there doesnt seem to be much clearence between the mudguard an tyre the pit bike engines arent designed to be rode all day they how durable are they like cr 125 s for example if you ride them for long periiods you are forever changing piston an rings
  16. mine is similar to yours (i bought it like that) mine uses sach xtc shocks i think they are shorter
  17. dan28 replied to Paulwhite's post in a topic in General
    i have an xvs chopper too does it have to be a yamaha engine what about a cagiva 125 engine i m told they have a 7 speed box an do 90 mph as standard not sure how true that is though
  18. dan28 replied to DomT's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    read the right paragraph of this diagram on page 2 it mentions resitors an low current http://www.vfxkits.com/products/uni/pdf/VUFR-671_Installation%20Manual_Rev1.pdf
  19. dan28 replied to DomT's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    if you fitted led indicators they require less power to work so in theory should work better
  20. dan28 replied to dan28's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    so its deffo an electrical fault then hence the warning lights flickering ? here are some pics of the bike Uploaded with ImageShack.us click on pics to enlarge Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  21. dan28 replied to dan28's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    thanks i ll update my info the battery was new around 3 months ago as were the plugs its a 125 it has no rev gauge not sure what the idle speed is running at its been totally modfied by the last owner the only thing standard on it is the engine it has sach xtc wheels forks , an rear swing arm ( its been modifed to fit its been coverted to single seat has rear disc brake ) he even fitted a sucide shifter but i took it off the guy i got if off said he had been building it for 4 years( but on closer inspection many things were bodged no choke cable air box held on with cable ties etc) as i already mentioned it didnt run when i got this was solved by draining the tank an carb as recomened by someone one here it ran fine after that until now i noticed the warning lights on the clock are flickering so i think its something electrical i ll add some pics of it
  22. dan28 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    i posted on here ages ago i bought an xvs that bogged down an wouldnt run after i drained the the carb an tank it worked so i guess it had mositure in the fuel but now i have a new problem as said the bike did work an rode well but now if you try to increase the revs slowly when setting off for example there is no power an the bike doesnt move it will idle fine an if i give it full throttle its revs but there is no power when you first move the throttle? could it be a weak spark some times when idleing on choke it randomly cuts out it has bigger lights fitted could this cause a lack of power (the lights are wired permantly on) the battery is new
  23. i found this on the bay its for 1992 model but looks similar to the one on my xvs http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-XJ600-Flasher-Relay-Seca-1992-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem58875610b6QQitemZ380227686582QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories on the xvs its located on the left hand side near the battery remove the housing that covers the battery an should find it suprised no one else has replyed to be honest
  24. can some one put a pic up please (you can cover some of the frame number for legal reasons if you wish) i just want see were exactly it is before a chip of the powder coating
  25. on my xvs its near the batterywith the fuses etc try googling it atleast you will know what it looks like then