Everything posted by dan28
using this tool to setup mixture
my xvs doesnt run right it has to have choke open even when warm if a use this tool an get the mixture correct by turning the air screw will the idle speed screw effect the colour of the above spark plug an give a wrong reading ( there is no rev gauge ) or should i turn the idle down so it s just above stalling before i use the tool
fitting fuel gauge to bike that doesnt have one
i guess that fuel sender with gps isnt cheap ( i can see a price in th ad) the jim bean pipe an bottle does look cool does anyone have any info on welding in the bungs on a used tank even though the tank would be empyty there is still going to be fumes
fitting fuel gauge to bike that doesnt have one
i d like to fit a fuel gauge to my xvs so far only thing that i can find that looks like it may be of use is this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/part-GAS-FUEL-CAP-gauge-dixie-chopper-402221-462221-/160290144290?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2552098022 what options are there fit a tank from a different bike that has a fuel gauge or there some kind of universal gauge that can be fitted
strange bleed nipple( need replacement)
i am running a front caliper of a sach xtc its made by grimeca the bleed nipple is rounded when removing it i found there is a single ball bearing that sits in housing an a recess in the bleed nipple so it fits over the bearing i ve got a replacement nipple but it doesnt have the recess causing it to get tight after just a few turns
Small hands, short reach
i would warm them up before bending they should be ok or you could replace the whole lever for one that sits further in my chopp is running a goldwing clutch lever (because the choke lever is bulit into the clamp) the lever was too long an sat why too far away from the bars i worked out the correct angle cut a section out the middle an my mate tig welded it back together
insurance for custom xvs125
my bike has standard engine but has an after market air filter it also has (wider than standard) sach xtc wheels sach forks an rear swing arm its running sach discs an calipers too but they are off a sach xtc 125 ( the same cc bike as the xvs i ve had a quote for £146 full comp but that was for the bike in standard form how much will the above mods effect the above quote are they any custom insurance company i should contact i d rather declare the mods than risk trouble later but how well do companies look at these things
what model mkuni carb on xvs 125
pm sent thank you
what model mkuni carb on xvs 125
what model of carb is found on the xvs 125 i cant see a model number any were an i m looking for a diagram
xvs 125 bad running at high revs
thanks for replying paul it does it on a full turn of the throttle too once its had approx half a turn or more thats when its starts to do it but not always straight away i butchered the original air filter pipe to fit the hyper charger( it did it with the standard filter on too) i m lost as too what you mean by spacer? when i strpped the carb last time i removed all the jets execpt one as its been rounded an cant be removed i m buying another carb at week end as i want to fit a slightly bigger jet due to the hyper charger i m also going to buy an inline fuel filter an some clear fuel hose so i can see whats going on is there a screw to adjust the mixture?
xvs 125 bad running at high revs
ok i ve my xvs ages now i got it off ebay it had this problem when i got it ( i suspect thats why the previous owner sold) approx half turn of throttle an it struggles to fire i ve cleaned out the carb an also found an old post on here about the same problem an it says its too do with the vacum effect in the fuel pipes but i ve tried running it in reserve an its still the same any ideas?
lose of power from 3rd gear onwards
standard jets i assume the air filter is the hypercharger i bought from goff on here but it does it with the standard filter too is there a screw to turn to tweak the mixture ? ( an witch way should it be turned)
Digital xvs 650 speedo
i saw the dash here http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Koso-RX2n-LCD-Dash-Tacho-Speedo-Large-Shift-Light-/270745520559?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item3f09b0c9af google them they make different types also google vapour an acewell dashs
lose of power from 3rd gear onwards
when i first got my bike it didnt run right at all i put it down to water in the fuel an a mini moto throttle an cable since replaceing the above it runs ok when not in gear the engine will happily rev an when riding in first an second it seems ok however when in 3 rd it sems to take ages to pick up an then cuts out could it be a faulty coil that is breaking down under load
brake pedal return spring
the spring wouldnt work with the pedal in standard form so the brake pedal has been shortened an part of an fzr pedal welded in to hook the spring on.an welded a lug on the foot peg bracket to connect the other end of the spring to i ll get pics up in a few days
Digital xvs 650 speedo
i d like to fit one too you can buy a guage that has tach an shift an some other things built in but i dont have a clue how to wire it, shift light only works if you have a tacho fitted as standard apperantlty
xvs suspected overheating
after running for around 40 mins i could hear strange gurling sounds coming from the carb is this normal? i was only practiceing on some wateland so not much air will have got to the engine to cool it
brake pedal return spring
brake pedal return spring
no the problem is its been converted to rear disc brake witch has made the pedal feel heavier it has the spring on thats seen in my pic but it doesnt return enough unless you give it a tap to help it i ve bought a pedal of a fzr 600 i m going to cut the lug off an weld it to mine an fit the spring, but what the spring is going to fit to on the bike i dont know ?
brake pedal return spring
can anyone answer my question does the standard xvs pedal have a hook to fit the return spring to?
brake pedal return spring
is there a lug on the standard pedal to fit the spring to like this Uploaded with ImageShack.us an were does the other end of the spring fit to ?
brake pedal return spring
there is a spring where the pedal bolts to the frame i think it goes through the pedal pivot it looks something like this Uploaded with ImageShack.us how ever my bike is modifyed to run a rear disc brake so that spring alone isnt returning the pedal fully is there meant to be a long spring like the in my pic above connected to the pedal or am i going to have to modify it ?
brake pedal return spring
my bike passed mot but got an advisory for having no brake pedal return spring ( click pics to enlarge) the garage gave me this spring an told me to fit it Uploaded with ImageShack.us however i cant see anywhere that it can fit to , an there already seems to be a spring coming from the brake light switch Uploaded with ImageShack.us also i d like the brake pedal to sit lower how do i achieve this do i need to adjust the bolt in the pic Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Digital Gear Indicator
you need to have a tachometer to make the shift light that what i was told anyway i have a diagram somw where will dig it out
pics of my xvs 125 work in progress
didnt realise you are from leeds (its a small world) do you know of any good breakers besides startright ?
pics of my xvs 125 work in progress
i ve had it around a year the previous owner did most of the work to be honest i changed the bars added the mudguards an new battery rear light etc