Everything posted by dan28
how much does a xvs 125 engine weigh
yes I m thinking of putting 1 in it will put my insurance up by £27 pound a year
how much does a xvs 125 engine weigh
thanks for the replys so roughly how much lighter would a Suzuki rm 125 engine be compared to the dragstar
how much does a xvs 125 engine weigh
as above how much roughly does the complete engine weigh
ugly number plate
my plate is legal size 9 x 7 it has a 1 in the reg an the side margins are more than 11mm if I trimmed it so the margins were exactly 11mm does this mean its still legal according to a google search the side margins must be 11mm miniium
frame number problem
if you restamp it, it would be very hard to get the letters straight an inline I personally don't see the problem of sticking on an engraved plate ( if you google long enough you find black plates they say frame number an have a space for it to be engraved) you have the log book an the chassis number an engine match then you should be ok mine was but I guess its up to the tester I assume you are going to get the frame painted properly so this will make the number less readable may be take a pic of the number before an after paint an take it with you
frame number problem
can the number engraved on plate an stick it on that's what I ve done
where can i find some white wall tyres
as above can you get these in modern sizes
what is this? (electrical) relay?
what is this an what does it do I fitted some new switchs an appear to have fried it Uploaded with ImageShack.us
pics of my xvs 125 work in progress
the rear swing arm wheel an brake are sach xtc (modded to fit the frame) it used to have sach xtc forks an front wheel too (before I changed the forks ) these pics are old it looks much better now
XV125 - Modification to have wider rear wheel :)
my bike has a widened swing arm the swing arm rear wheel an brake are sach xtc (it nows runs rear disc brake) if I remember the rear tyre is 140
wr engine in xvs dragstar
thinking of doing this over the winter whats the chance of it actually fitting you can see the wr in action here
lithuim ion battery advice
bike is xvs 125 I think the only standard part remaining is the tank I ve added the halogens an it is using standard battery 12v 6ah (an dipped beam is on with the ignition )
lithuim ion battery advice
can you explain in more detail about reducing the load an improving the charging output please? my bike doesn't have any sidelights (dipped beam comes on with the ignition) speedo ilu is led so are the warning lights the indicators an tail light are also led I m thinking of doing kellums rectifier mod seen here
lithuim ion battery advice
to be honest I think its because the lights are always on what replacement (larger battery) would be recommended are gel batterys any good
lithuim ion battery advice
its not the weight saving that I see as the main benefit the standard battery is small the lights come on with the ignition ( twin halogen up front an led rear) if the bike is only used for short journeys it doesn't generate enough current to charge the battery or if the bike isn't used for a while say its started up once a week there becomes a point where the lights are on but the standard battery doesn't have enough cranking power left to start the bike I bought the battery new its always been like this I wanted to fit a larger battery as it would take longer to go flat by fitting a l ion battery I could have used a much bigger battery an it wouldn't add much weight as they are much lighter than standard I read some where an l ion bat the same size as a small standard battery has much more cranking power so I thought fit the biggest I can an have lots of cranking amps never hard anything about them catching fire before If I fit a bigger standard battery it will ad a lot more weight what options do I have I m interested to hear peoples thoughts on this
lithuim ion battery advice
I will soon have a bigger than standard battery tray I m planning on replacing my old battery with a lithium ion item as these are much lighter my lights are wired permantly on the old battery is 12v 6 ah if I fit a larger battery with a high ah rating would it be safe to fit a 8 ah or over
xv125 side panels the same as xv250?
i have a lefthand side one goes over battery will be changing to bigger battery in alloy box soon so could sell you it
XVS 125 Dragstar
yes its inside the fatter pipe you cant see it unless you cut the pipe open (cut off the flange that bolts to the head) thanks for the advice however the standard pipe is now in my loft an it now uses straight through 2 an half inch pipes from a 1340 harley ( got them cheap off the bay) is 55mph in 3rd to be expected i ve not really pushed it any further
XVS 125 Dragstar
mine will do 55 in 3rd i havent really pushed it any further although the exhaust looks quite big from the outside it has a very small tube inside it an i think think this will restrict the power quite abit i cut the flange off mine to fit some harley exhausts i ll put a pic up of the standard exhausts insides later to explain
1979 dt 250 dirt track project
if you still have the broken cable you can get a custom cable made up
chopping a frame
any advice on chopping my frame i plan to cut it here http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/754/copyofphoto1835.jpg looking from the other side it appears to be double skinned
brake fluid ratios an master cylinders
you had me worried for a second then drewpy
brake fluid ratios an master cylinders
thanks mervin the caliper an swing are are from a sachs xtc not that it really matters i ll get my hose made up at weeked an hopefully it will work
brake fluid ratios an master cylinders
i havent tried it yet the old master cylinder had 14 embossed on it (i assume this means 14mm the new one says 1/2 i assume this means half inch (approx 13mm) i noticed the old master cylinder is quite abit longer an if i mount in the new location the pedal would hit the ground (hence using a shorter one) so i should be able to use the new master cylinder(1/2) with the old caliper intended to work on 14 master cylinder i need to get a braided hose made upto use them but if it doesnt work chances are the hose will be the wrong angle if i fit a different caliper
brake fluid ratios an master cylinders
my xvs had a( bodged ) rear disc setup when i bought it due to the old setup not working very well (the pedal pulled a cable that went to the back of the bike that pulled a linkage(that flexed sideways) an moved the master cylinder arm i decided to fit a master cylinder from a yamaha wr i mounted it through the engine mount as the pedal is bolted directly to the linkage it will work alot better heres a pic to explain http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/7717/photo1831jo.jpg the problem i have now is the master cylinder is smaller than the one desined to work with the rear caliper the old one had number 14 on it the one i m using now says 1/2 so i guesss this wont push enough fluid through? so i should change the rear caliper to match the master cylinder but this is the mount the attaches the original brake to the swing arm http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/693/photo1836.jpg an this is the caliper an bracket i need to use to match the master cylinder http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/5505/kgrhqjhje0fb5z6yor8bqp6.jpg not sure if it will be possible to modify it so it will fit to the bracket above?