Everything posted by dan28
Shared earth messy wiring
On the dtr 125 the shared earth spiders Web of wires is making my loom messy Would it do any harm if I cut up the shared earth wire so it works something like cdi a regulator earth to battery .rear indicators taillight earth to frame Headlight an front indicators earth to frame I m confused about the ignition it has more than one black wire
Neutral an oil light shared wire
The neutral an oil light share both share a wire but I m not sure if its An earth ( black ) or a live ( brown ) From what I can work out this wire comes from either the kill switch or front brake light switch ( on a DTR) Trouble is I ve replaced some wires an now I have a random black wire with brown tracer stripe that's not on the Diagrams So I need to know the correct colour wire the two warning lights share ? An where it should come from
Please explain neutral switch wiring
On the dt ( I imagine all bikes are similar ) the wire goes from the stator an through hole in caseing to the neutral switch But where is the wire that goes to the warning light I can't find it in the loom I looked in manual but can't make sense other than the wire colours being brown an light blue
Neutral an oil light shared wire
Some labels have fallen of my loom the neutral warning light an oil light share a wire but I can't remember if its Brown or black It's on a 1989 DTR but I assume otheryams are the same
Help with 1989 dtr wiring
I 've fitted a dtr 125 engine in to an xvs frame it's 90 % done but I m struggling with some of the wiring an I find the wirng diagram confusing This is what I m left with Tail light wires Black (earth ) yellow ? Blue / red ? Rear indicators I have 3 wires one black i assume shared earth other 2 are dark green an dark brown which is left an right ? At the front I have a blue a red / wire labelled parking light there is no side light fitted to this bike can I chop off this wire
yamaha sr switch gear wiring
I ve noticed a lot of yam switch gears use the same wiring can anyone advice me on this I want to use the sr switch gear on the dt loom the switch gear has these wires black . pink these are horn dark brown . brown/white . dark green these are indicators green .yellow these are lights hi an low brown .blue on off for hazards I think ? the dt has a yellow wire with a redstripe this is power from the cdi to the dt headlight switch do I need to wire this to the sr switch above or can I use a brown (switched live from the dt loom) was thinking if I could run the yellow red to a light on the dash an that way if the cdi ever played up the light would go out
XVS 125 Dragstar Not Starting
did you say the carb inlet is split / cracked this causes it to only fire on one cylinder sort this before you change anything else you can use from another yam its either xs it cost around £12 new from ebay or virago if I remember correct it has small vac tube you to need to block or as a tempory measure coat the split in expoxy resin
stolen husqvarna wr
been spotted riding on the roads with no reg plate in methley Castleford areas
stolen husqvarna wr
stolen husqvarna wr
thank you the rear hub is welded as it broke when changing bearing the exhaust he made at work( not the end can) it sounds a lot deeper than standard you can hear it half a mile away with baffle fitted also has one off sump guard red spoke wraps
stolen husqvarna wr
a mates had this stolen please keep an eye out in west Yorkshire area leeds / Castleford any info 07929115472
Seat base
way I see it there are 2 options I take of the seat an make a plate to cover that section of the frame weld on a L shaped bracket each side an bolt the plate to the brackets 2 buy an hexagon shaped battery box from ebay an mount it in place of the factory fitted plastic holder if you do this make sure you can get the lid on an off with the seat fitted
internal wiring through frame
thanks drewpy that will work fine an will solve the problem of the wire coming through the grommet nearly horizontal I can use elongated holes with u channel trim an the wires will be vertical along the frame
2 stroke motor in xvs
these are old photos the engine shown is scrap an just used for mock up purposes I ve changed the end can to a dep an changed the angle in the process of making a bliltwell seat fit too
internal wiring through frame
thanks I ll take a look on chopper underground I found a few threads on the net from what I ve seen people file the hole an test it by pulling tissue through it when it doesn't tear the tissue its smooth enough obviously the wires are wrapped too I ve not seen anyone use grommets if you use grommets is it possible to get some that have a senseable external diameter I have some here that need a 17mm hole but the hole in the grommet is only about 10mm
internal wiring through frame
who on here has ran their loom internally through the frame tubes are there any tips on doing this
2 stroke motor in xvs
http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k3/dan25_2006/13094118_10153747221817746_510617089900465825_n.jpg I can only acess this forum on my pc my mobile says it can nt connect to server so I don't come on here as much
why did you remove the head bracing I was expecting the front end to be raked an a new brace / gusset welded in
2 stroke motor in xvs
yep I ve got the dt motor to fit in the xvs frame an sorted the exhaust rad etc once I find out what jets I need in my carb I ve only got to fit the loom
tdr carb on dt (dellorto phbh)
I want to fit this carb to the dt engine but do I need to change all the jets first it had a 142 main jet fitted I was told to use a 170 on the dt engine I m unsure if I should also change the pilot jet it has a 45 fitted an do I also need to change the atomiser jet too the one fitted is 266OGk
xvs 125 manual
I have the full manual printed out into a large ring binder folder where abouts are you
Plastic fins on dragstar head
If I remove the fins I gain over an inch in height ( trying to fit the draggy engine into another bike ) the parts I m talking about look like they are part of the cylinder head but when you touch them they are plastic an have some movement in them they bolt on to a metal bracket they are found under the plastic covers that sit on top of the head
Plastic fins on dragstar head
My 125 dragstar seems to have some plAstic fins on the top of the heads the first few fins appear to be plastic they appear to bolted to a metal bracket above them do they serve a purpose can I unbolt them from the bracket with out disturbing the head
Removing chain on xvs 125
Can I use a. Chain splitter tool on any link in the chain or is the a specific link you are ment to undo People mention grinding links out but surely you can just use a chain splitter
Dragstar rear shock bush size
On the xvs dragstar 125 what size are the shock bushes there either 13mm or 14 mm ?