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Everything posted by NEV

  1. NEV replied to weimieman's post in a topic in Projects
    Ha ha, talking of garaging for insurance, I managed to get them to cover me for 'private property', rather than just the garage, so now it can be kept on driveway, and front of house as well as garage, as I'm buggered if I'm going to keep dragging bike in and out of the garage mid afternoon, oh and Carole Nash sorted me out for that Agreed Value policy btw. Just been reading a bike mag in the upstairs library and noticed theres an autojumble at Hamilton House in Garstang, Sun Nov 20th, if you need owt?
  2. NEV replied to weimieman's post in a topic in Projects
    Glad you got that sorted Weimi, woulda been a bit awkward had you taken it out for a run. Oh by the way can you take a pic of it in the greenhouse for me please mate, when you get 5 mins spare, as I'm interested as to how much room there is for a bike in one, I take it you kept the shelving in it still? Cheers Nev
  3. NEV replied to bennyboyc's post in a topic in The Bar
    Sorry to be a harbinger of doom mate, but that looks like it's been done with a centre punch and not stamped, looks like a grinder has done it's business too, underneath it, but thats just my opinion anyroad, as I have a few years as a plater/welder under my belt, and a centre punch is a tool of my trade. A good job but not good enough I reckon. Just checked a pic I have of mine, and mine's done with 6mm stamps Just out of interest what does the engine number come up with, YBR's came out in 2005, and theres a chance that the engine number and vin / frame number/lettering will be the same, all uk YBR vin numbers 2005, 2006, 2007, had the prefix 3D9
  4. NEV replied to weimieman's post in a topic in Projects
    Just seen the chain Weimi, from this angle of the pic it's looking a tad loose mate, the amount of play in the chain from top to bottom should be around an inch to inch n quarter, now I wouldn't have spotted that in those little pics
  5. NEV replied to mark wigan's post in a topic in Forum Help
    Blank off original bleed nipple, then use a banjo bolt bleed nipple? Like one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p5197.m570.l1313&_nkw=banjo+bolt+bleed+nipple&_sacat=See-All-Categories
  6. NEV replied to weimieman's post in a topic in Projects
    I should think you are chuffed with it mate, it's come on great, how did you go on with the seat in the end, old one off? next thing now is to make a nice vid of it ripping up the beach, I'm sure the missus will take some footage for you, infact you should encourage her to have a go, she'd love it!! As for the speedo, is it deffo the cable? or a seized speedo hub that needs taking apart and regreasing? as mine was pretty much buggered so I took it all apart and after a load of freeing up and lashings of grease, works a treat now.
  7. NEV replied to Ollie1995's post in a topic in The Bar
    Wtf is the orange wire coming out the CDI connecting to a Black wire (earth) or is it a cock up typo? surely it should be an Orange wire all the way to the coil? or do I need to put me bins on?
  8. NEV replied to Ventura's post in a topic in Projects
    I'm a big fan of the Black BBQ plasti-cote spray myself, never used it on an engine mind, only exhausts. The barrels come up lovely, seems a shame to have to spray over it.
  9. NEV replied to Ollie1995's post in a topic in The Bar
    No I know it doesn't have a p/v servo, just trying to establish what colour wires on your CDI, as on mine theres orange,= coil, black = earth on frame, black/white = kill switch, black/yellow = power valve servo, blue/yellow = side stand switch, double male block connector with 2 wires light blue & blue = light blue to oil level sender unit, blue goes to clocks and instrument panel
  10. NEV replied to Ollie1995's post in a topic in The Bar
    The black and white wire goes to the kill switch from the CDI in the newer bikes, maybe same in yours? also if you have a black and yellow wire on the CDI? that goes to the power valve servo, which will make it a CDI for later models.
  11. NEV replied to leightonbike121's post in a topic in The Bar
    Could be a silver jubilee jubilee clip
  12. NEV replied to littlej's post in a topic in General
    I was amazed to see the incredible prices of personalised car registration plates in an advert recently. However, Halfords kindly did me a set of "NEV1" for £30, saving me about £10,000.
  13. It would be, yup, but for 25p more and made specific for crank, I'd go with other ones, peace of mind and all that
  14. Here ya go http://images.cmsnl....082a-6_b79c.gif http://www.cmsnl.com...slist/A-06.html Part Number 21
  15. About 3mm thick, half moon shape about 5 mm deep, 8mm long
  16. When you say you don't have a woodruff key, do you mean you've lost it? or took off the flywheel and it wasn't there? coz if its the latter you need to have a good look around the inside or on the flywheel (magnetic), coz you dont want that flying about inside, could bugger something up.
  17. NEV replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Sorry to hear about your mum mate, but glad to hear you're o.k and bearing up , we all missed ya, ya crazy sweaty
  18. NEV replied to tiko's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi, and welcome to the forum Tiko, looking forward to see it all come together in the project section
  19. Have ya checked inside yer helmet, common place for mine, or inside gloves?
  20. NEV replied to saints41's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Aye interesting read that Merv, aparently one of my favourite films 'two lane blacktop' was filmed on it I see.
  21. NEV replied to WRpaddy's post in a topic in Insurance
    Aye always worth a try, btw, if you tell them you garage it, make sure in the small print that it doesn't have to be garaged every time you park up at home, ie, 3.00 in the afternoon, I paid an extra £30 quid on top to cover my arse, so even though it's garaged at night time, it can be still parked on the road in the daytime, and will be covered still. Good luck.
  22. NEV replied to WRpaddy's post in a topic in Insurance
    Wow, thats pretty bloody steep that, theres a couple of young lads in here about your age, might be able to put you on to someone. I think my lad, who's your age was with Bike Sure, and his was about £350 third party fire and theft, but that was for a 100cc scooter, and to be fair they looked after him well,( courtesy bike, legal side, ) when some drunken, pratt of a woman decided to wipe his bike out.
  23. NEV replied to WRpaddy's post in a topic in Insurance
    Well I've just got off the phone to Carole Nash, and have done a great deal with them, even managed to get Agreed Value Policy, on my DT125 too (cheers Drewps) so I'd suggest you give them a try, 0800 804 7952. Hope this helps.
  24. NEV replied to drewpy's post in a topic in The Bar
    Looks like a bloody coffin