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Everything posted by NEV

  1. NEV replied to NEV's post in a topic in Projects
    Cheers Dave, almost there now, today I thought I'd try and start the old gal up, before I put all the panels, seat and tank back on, good job too, because no spark!!, I've a gut feeling its something wrong with the wiring, rather than the coil or CDI, as both were working before the strip down.
  2. NEV replied to benny147's post in a topic in Classics
    As far as I know, I think your bike has to be 25 years old, to qualify for classic insurance Benny.
  3. NEV replied to dmag's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi, and welcome to the forum dmag, as for parts for your bike, have a look here http://www.cmsnl.com/tx500a-1973-1975_model8477/partslist/?q=yamaha+tx500 hope this helps Nev
  4. NEV replied to RamboLt's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Aye lived in Normanton, and Peartree, you'll be near the cavendish end? head up stenson road then out into the countryside some lovelly bike roads out that way.
  5. NEV replied to RamboLt's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi and welcome to the forum Tomas, whereabouts in Derby are you from? I'm from Derby myself, but now live in Devon.
  6. NEV replied to philmountains's post in a topic in Projects
    Phil as an even cheaper alternative to OG's chrome tubes, now no laughing, is mirror chrome vinyl, seriously mate I was in our local super dooper store Trago Mills, when I noticed some stuff called Eclipse window mirror, or very similar, and I jest not, it's just like chrome on a roll, big sheet about 2ft square, £7-£8 quid, it looks very thin, but also looks pretty stiff too, ideal for wrapping around pitted tubes, I had a google came up with this site, but maybe you can have a google or two yourself, if this idea interests ya mate. I suppose it's same as vinyl foil wrapping paper but much thicker and stiffer. http://www.rvinyl.co...-Film-Wraps.htm Although I'd go for OG's chrome sleeving, even stainless will polish up mirror, if you could knock up a couple at work, maybe? plus if you got to 1/8" it's extra strength for the fork tubing too.
  7. NEV replied to NEV's post in a topic in Projects
    Bit of an update on the Neutral switch, took it out to see if it needed cleaning, found it to be clean, lost about an egg cup full of oil mind, didn't occur to me it's same as a drain plug, duh!! then I tried moving the sprocket round, just to make sure it wasn't in gear, and yup it was, duh again!! banged the gear lever on, moved it into neutral, hey presto, Neutral light comes on the clocks.
  8. NEV posted a post in a topic in Random
    On the news just, a female newsreader, reading the BBC sports news was telling everybody that Match Of The Day would be on afterwards, so if people didn't want to know the football scores, they should look away from the T.V, she then went on to read every result and who the scorers were , TWAT!!!!!! Also just been on news the sad demise of Adrian McFarland in Czech republic, very sad.
  9. NEV replied to bikernewby's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi and welcome to the forum Lee, and also welcome to the world of biking, a big thing to help you along is to find yourself a manual for your bike, it'll help you with servicing, plus if anything happens, whilst on the road, you've already read about the diagnostic troubleshooting for it. Oh aye the YBR can be a pig to get in 1st gear sometimes, but you'll read about that sort of stuff in here anyroads, ride safe.
  10. NEV replied to benny147's post in a topic in Projects
    Here ya go, not the cheaest place to buy from, but the part numbers are there for you to use at other shops maybe? hope this helps http://www.yamahamotorcyclespares.co.uk/spares/epc2.asp?PageiD=24&modelID=9124&uID=0
  11. NEV replied to dmdrummond's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi, and welcome to the forum mate, if you haven't already got one, I suggest you get a manual for your new bike, give it a good coat of looking at, get to know the workings, technical, and servicing specs of your bike, it'll pay off in the long run, most of all ride safe.
  12. NEV replied to godlygaz's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Well, two things have come out of this, one you have your bike working again, result!! and secondly you now know more about what goes where, and what does what, on your bike than you did a couple of weeks ago, it's a win, win situation, that's the thing about bikes Gaz, you'll never stop learning new stuff about them, I'm also presuming that you cleaned, then re-greased anything that needed it, along the way?
  13. NEV replied to Noise's post in a topic in Projects
    Some MOT places bang a 1" red reflector disc on the number plate, if you ask them nicely
  14. NEV replied to Richie_31's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi Richie, and welcome to the forum, theres plenty of DT's in here, maybe you can put up some pics of yours, in the gallery, when you get 5 mins spare
  15. NEV replied to philmountains's post in a topic in Projects
    "no they are early LC forks, as it happens they were a popular modification to raise the ground clearance along with jacking the back end. depends on how standard you want to keep it really but yeah they will fit as far as i know but would look silly without the rear jacked also and new vcables for speedo and front brake may be needed." Ah right, well I've learned something new anyroad, cheers OG Phil, if your man in LV,doesn't come up trumps with his forks, how about trying a different tack, and see if forks off an old XT might fit, as I'm sure the forks on my old xt look pretty much the same
  16. NEV replied to philmountains's post in a topic in Projects
    Phil, these forks that Andy is selling, I know they're off a 125, but are'nt 175 ones the same? Nev
  17. NEV replied to NEV's post in a topic in Projects
    Cheers lads, for the thumbs up, Phil, I reckon you've got a good idea there mate, you'll need flywheel puller mind, and to make some sort of holder for the cover, or windy gun, so you can get the nut off the crankshaft. Seems that the walk gave you a bit of inspiration, ey? I used to go up that way twice a year with my old school, beautiful countryside, we used to stay at a youth hostel at Hurst, hiked all round there, Marrick, Malham Tarn, up Pen y ghent, pot holed the Buttertubs, Gaping Gill, kayaked most of the Aire too, buggered if I could do that nowadays mind, but would love the lad to see some of the views, as for trail riding, I wouldn't have a clue, hopefully it's not like Dartmoor, you canna do bugger all up there, maybe go to a local motorbike club, that specialises in greenlaning, trailriding? Dean, good luck tomorrow , with your MOT, and look forward to following your project mate. Nev Oh by the way Andy, heres that gizmo I came up with to stick on the bottom of the 2t oil tank, just now need to measure and mark the syringe for a full tank/10L, half tank/5L, and a single litre
  18. NEV replied to NEV's post in a topic in Projects
    Took some up to date pics of the DT today, seeing as how mr sun has got his hat on Engine back in, electrics all connected up and working so far, btw Weimi, the indicators, and horn does work without the engine running, oil light comes on the clocks, as does the yellow indicator flasher for the clocks, but no neutral light, maybe that needs engine running? Coolant pipes, radiator connected and water tested, no leaks as yet URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/828/img0225asj.jpg/] Went to put wheels back on, but both sets of bearing were solid so have ordered new ones, not too far off finishing now, reckon by end of month should be done
  19. NEV replied to NE0's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    When I repacked my end can, I secured the wadding with that green plastic coated wire used for gardening, plants etc, which made me a tad worried about the plastic covering melting with the heat, but after seeing him wrap insulating tape over his wadding, and noticing it hadn't melted on his old wadding, I don't feel I now have to re-open mine back up, and just use normal wire. See what you mean about his drug induced editing, and it could have been made about half as long.
  20. NEV replied to philmountains's post in a topic in Projects
    That might not lettuce celery be bad news Phil, maybe you have a red/yellow wire extra coming off your CDI, same as I have a black / yellow wire extra, mine goes to the non existant powervalve servo. you'll need to check mate
  21. NEV replied to philmountains's post in a topic in Projects
    Bummer about the loom, but ya never know, that other ignition that you have at work might be the one for it, yer rods are being a pig cos you're welding from a cold rod, you need to get them in an oven mate, for two reasons, it stops any moisture from getting into the flux, and therefore into your weld, or perocity is the outcome, and two makes them easier to strike, I always used to have a sacrificial striking plate next to any welding job I was doing, any mild steel flat bar will do, just to warm the rod up with, you'll need to stop before it glows cherry red, and goes floppy, mind. Done bugger all on bike today, been aching like an old bugger,after yesterdays effort on bike, plus chest been giving me some gyp, and seeing as the next heart wobbler to come is number 4, the missus made me promise to take it easy, so today I've been reading up on manual, but basically just need to put oil, coolant, and petrol in and should start up, fingers crossed, am looking to have it all finished by end of the month, mainly snagging work, yesterday was going to put front wheel on, finds that the bearing is solid, so have ordered new ones, to come next week. Would love to get up to Squires for the meet up, but just toooooo far mate, last time I was in Sherbourn in Elmet, I was contracting at British Gypsum there for a week, managed to get great digs, and had a right laugh up there with the locals, remember the pub up there the White Swan I think it was, was a good craic, the Friday night disco was dj'd by a bird, unheard of anywhere else in those days. Luego amigo
  22. NEV replied to godlygaz's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    If you take off the left side crankcase cover, the one that covers over the front sprocket, you'll see the magneto , you'll need ratchet gun, or some sort of holder, to get the nut off the crankshaft, and also a puller tool to get the magneto bell housing off, this will then leave underneath, your stator, the stator is located and fixed onto the crankshaft by a half moon 8mm x 3mm ish woodruff key, if theres just a groove in the crankshaft, then the key has come out, and you'll need to try and find it, the magneto bell house is magnetic, so theres a chance it may be on there. Good luck.
  23. NEV replied to philmountains's post in a topic in Projects
    my rear mudguard is in a state extra holes , damage, whats the best for filling these prior to painting ? Oh and Nev got engine stuck in last night, was not too hard, hardest bit was hooking up Engine/carb to airfilter box forgotten how tight a job this was. Phil Brought this over to here Phil, Right then depending on size of hole, up to 6mm, I'd use P38 filler,any bigger than that I'd put duct tape underneath the hole, then fill with p40(fibre glass),any tidying up needed after that, or for a nice smooth finish, go over with P38 Good to hear you've got engine back in, I connected my carb up yesterday, jeez, talk about tight fit, you need to be a bloody gynecologist, to put some parts in.
  24. NEV replied to GSXR988's post in a topic in Classics
    As long as you use 'PLASTIC PRIMER' as an undercoat on the plastic first, you can spray afterwards with any acrylic paint on top of that, I've just recently re-sprayed a white plastic headlight cowling, black and you'd never tell it had been sprayed once T-cut and polished.
  25. NEV replied to up.yours's post in a topic in Random
    Florida Keys for me