Everything posted by NEV
Given the choice would you wear a helmet?
No helmet on a motorbike, is a no brainer, simple as.
Mines 20 years old 50k on the clock, original engine, it's well looked after, should be good for another 50k I reckon.
Given the choice would you wear a helmet?
No just got me thinking is all, lumberjacks wear kevlar chaps and/or jeans, to protect themselves from a chainsaw cutting through at god knows how many revs per second, so I was just thinking that scissors would be a bit futile against a pair of bikers kevlar jeans. and yes you can cut the seams, but again I would have thought they'd use a kevlar thread, bit like archery bow string is made up of, infact I've even used kevlar thread for carp fishing as a hooklength.
Given the choice would you wear a helmet?
lol just found this you can read into this two ways,mind. I think its something to do with where you put an apostrophe. Permanently lined in the backside, hips, outside of leg, thigh and knees with soft knitted kevlar®. Made from the best quality heaviest weight denims. (Black womens jeans are now only available in stretch denim for a comfortable but snug fit.)
Given the choice would you wear a helmet?
Just a thought, but if someone wearing protective kevlar bike trousers had an off,,and say broke a leg in a couple of places, what are they like for paramedics cutting them off with a pair of scissors? surely it would be a struggle to do?
Digital clocks for a DT?
Put into Google search or Ebay, 'Vapour Stealth digital clocks' as they seem to be the clocks of choice when swapping from original DT clocks to digital ones.
1993 TDR starting woes
The clicking sound, could be that the starter relay is buggered, also are you getting a spark? check by taking plug out and earthing it on the engine, whilst kicking it over, if you're getting a spark and theres petrol getting to the plug, try bump starting it,
- which end can
CB 350 my first bike and project
Aye, I'm with Airhead, can't remember the CB350, I can remember the CB400/4 though.
My DT125R Project/Restoration
I'm sure that Filipe chap from Portugal, sells the tank decals much cheaper than that, Filed 7071 on ebay is his member name, I bought my scoop decals of him. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/YAMAHA-DTR-125-BLACK-STICKERS-/200623601607?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item2eb61937c7
My DT125R Project/Restoration
Have a look at HEL braided lines Andy, a fair amount of choice on colours,stainless steel fittings too, prices are decent too, had mine extended by 2" on the front to allow for the twin wall converters, and raised bars. Cost around about £50 front and rear, grey carbon look I went for.
My DT125R Project/Restoration
Andy I went from 10w to 15w fork oil, when I changed the braking to Brembos, should stiffen yours up a fair bit mate. 2wheels spot on, it feels like the springs need renewing, its really soft, and spongy on the front. The new oil will sort it out a treat.
DT175. twinshock,,, "FINNISHED"
A cracking job on the bike John, nice one, as for the clutch basket you do get a little play in the base cog plate as it has cush rubbers sandwiched inside, 2mm would be classed as normal play any more than that would be classed as excessive, can't re-rivet either new/second hand basket needed mate.
Bike covers?
Those covers I reccommended from Hawkalarms, are definately for outside and 100% waterproof, as often, a few hours after its rained, I have to lift up the cover slightly to get rid of a pool of rainwater, thats gathered in a crease between the seat and side panel area. Not sure about whether ACF-50 would waterproof a bike cover Andy, if I was going to do that, I'd go find a tent waterproof spray from Milllets, or similar.
Bike covers?
Have a look at these covers,they have a thick Oxford weave, interior rub panels sewn in, reflective bits on them, incase you use the cover on the road. £22 pounds free delivery, I was so impressed I bought 2, I've seen covers like these going on sale for £80-£100 pounds. http://www.hawkcaralarm.com/HawkOxfordMaterialLargeAllWeatherMotorcycleCovers.aspx
Cheers Kieran, been tinkering with it a bit more recently, wasn't happy with the powervalve set up, the cables were set up wrong, plus changed the throttle cable for a new one, much more responsive now, and can lift up the front end in the first 3 gears now,and considering my bulk, thats pretty impressive. Still only half way with the running in, and when thats done, I'll bang it on a dyno. Have done a quick video of it see what you think.I'll see if I can put it up on here. Just noticed the views on this project too, get in there, over 10,000 views amazing that.
My DT125R Project/Restoration
Aye Andy, look forward to see how this project comes on mate.
Alarm fitted!
If its on the list of Thatcham aproved alarms, then you should get a reduction in insurance.
- dt 50 1991 yamaha
Have a look at these, one for the garage door and one for a bike chain or put it on the disc,I bought one recently and was pretty impressed with it. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/230603111403?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
Ah right, an update on the coil, it came the other day like I said, rang up about the the two spades on it, they told me it was ok didn't matter which one the earth went on, o.k fair enough, never heard of that but gave them the benefit of doubt, yesterday I compared another original DTR coil to the one they sent, and fook me, the hole centres in the new one are about 6-7mm bigger than the original DTR coil, luckily I hadn't stripped everything off to put the coil on, as I would've been well cheesed off. Rang them up to explain this and they said it said 60mm centres, obviously you wouldn't know the centres of the coil unless you were to measure them, and also I pointed out to them that the picture on Ebay is an actual DTR coil with the single spade for the Orange wire, and not the one they sent me, so after umming and arring from them they've agreed I can send mine back for a refund, they did want to swap for a different one, but told them I'd already ordered another genuine DTR one. So basically, don't bother trying to fit it, as it just wont fit, get it sent back.
Rang up the people I bought the coil off earlier, they say the Earth wire can go on either spade, as can the Orange feed from the CDI, aparently the older coils that earthed through the mounting bracket, got rusty and was prevented from making a good earth with the frame. 60mm between mounting, 2 spade terminal and earth wire UPRATED COIL WITH EXTRA EARTH ADDED FOR A BETTER CONNECTION. These are quality part, These are not cheap replacements they are very good quality at a very low price. http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1497.l2649
Aye ta Paul, I'll have a play with it tomorrow.
Recieved a new coil today, advert on Ebay it said its for a DTR apparently, but its different from the standard coil, as it has 2 male spade terminals on it instead of one, it did come with an earth lead, with a female connector one end and a ring connector for earth, the other end of the wire. But its got me headscratching as to which wire goes where, obviously the orange wire from the CDI goes to one spade end, no idea which one mind, as the plastic insulators that the spade end is set in, are both the same colour, as for the earth wire, does this go on the other spade end? and if so, which spade? or does it get earthed by the bolt bracket as same as a standard coil? I'm presuming Orange to one the earth to the other spade, then earthed by the bracket to the frame. Has anybody else fitted one of these coils before, because I haven't a clue with this one. So am I flogging a dead horse, and need to send it back? or am I worrying about nowt, and can fit the wires to any spade end? Cheers Nev
Cheers Andy, aye be good to see how your DT200 is coming on mate, plus am after some DT200 bits if you have any spare, crank, barrel,cdi & head?