Everything posted by NEV
another idea...
For all the detracters on LPG, they haven't got a clue what theyre on about, they've probably heard from a mate who had a fooked up conversion done in a back street garage no doubt, and parrot fashion poo-poo the idea, I have a RX300 Lexus 4x4 that I've had 4 years now, and the first thing I did when I bought it was convert it to LPG, I first did my homework and read up about all the different systems that were on the market all the pro's and cons about fitting it. Performance wise theres not one bit of difference than when I'm running it on petrol, so anyone saying different is talking out of their 'arris, it paid for itself after 2 years, approx 20k, as for buggering the valves, (and mine has 24) you run whats called Flashlube, which 'drips' protective oil into the LPG system, cost about £75 quid on top of the £1700 for the then initial installation (price has come down a fair bit nowadays too), as for insurance companies not insuring cars with LPG conversion? wassat about then? as long as you have a certificate saying its been done proffessionally then theres no problem,road tax is cheaper too, and no conjestion charges, whenever I go into London. As long as you have the system serviced every year as I do,(costs about £70) you can guarantee many trouble free miles in your car. My two bobs worth anyroad.
New puppy
Hi and welcome to both the forum and your mid life crisis. I think it was about 25 years for me
Do you have the model code for your bike? no problem I found its a 4TV5, the 3 colours I have is Light Grey Metalic 3 (0137) Vivid Red Cocktail 1 (0121) and Black 2 (004B)
Can spray painted plastics really look nice if done properly ?
Here ya go Shambles this is a panel I did for my lads bike, sprayed in all weathers and the the time it takes to smoke a fag in between coats, it wasn't the spray that cost me, it was all the fags smoked, you can see where I haven't T-cut, on the 'V' above the headlights, incidently that panel was originally the same colour as the Silver/Grey one at the back. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
TDM 850 Handguards
Tell ya what, you might think the V-Stroms are expensive, but these Ducati Hypermoto ones are probably not far off your bikes value right now, goo on google 'em, dare ya, but make sure yer sat down when ya do. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Newbie arrival!!
The 4JB1 had a 4fl barrel and head, which is nicosil plated, so look after it, as replating can be costly, over here anyroad.
Biker caught doing 104mph past a horse
Hey if you think this was a heated argument then you got it wrong, I certainly hadn't hoped it to come across that way, and hopefully neither did Airhead and TTask, its nice to know mind, we live in a country where you can say just what you think without getting a knock on the door at 3 in the morning, by 5 blokes in dark coats and sunglasses. Only thing that gets me heated is when people come on spouting bullshit in threads, as that insults my intelligence, and being a member of Mensa for nigh on 40 years, I actually have a piece of paper that officially says I'm not fookin stupid.
Biker caught doing 104mph past a horse
Only because there are too many morons not watching where they're going and pissing about texting to Facebook about how they're walking blindly along the road, not paying attention. Thats your opinion, not proven to be right, so not nessessarily right.just an opinion, fair enough. That's when one of the few local badgers runs out and the surviving driver bitches about there being no badger signs too... Thus was begat the myriad road signs everywhere, to stop the morons from getting hurt. Well I've seen signs for Deer, signs for Toads, signs for low flying Pheasants, true none for Badgers, but my reply was to your question, do Deer , Rabbits or Badgers need to wear a high viz vest?, no as that is ridiculous, the reason being there is generally a sign telling you that you are within an area that has a high risk of a Deer jumping out at you. I'm asserting my demand that drivers wake up and pay fucking attention. I'm not Superman or anything, yet I still see things well in advance that they'd never notice unless they crashed into it... oh, wait, they do! Aye I'm in agreement on that , 'asserting your demand' comes over abit harsh mind, what I'm saying here is ' I just wish horse riders would wear high viz waste jackets for the road as it aids visibility. Then perhaps all those FUCKING MASSIVE articulated lorries that I keep seeing cars crash into should also be painted in Hi-Viz... because a lot of cars SMIDSY them as well.... Bloody trucks. Never see them, always in yer blind spot, right! Well a 'pedantic' answer to that would be, when was the last time you saw one of a fleet of thousands of Dyno Rod vans, all over the country, ever in an accident, I've been a road user for many a year now, and can't remember ever seeing one in a shunt, maybe it's because they are painted fook off dayglo Orange, and if so, aye, paint all lorries some flouro colour or other. Of course there are dosey twats of drivers up and down the country, running into lorries, but not because they aren't visible but because the driver just isn't concentrating on the road infront of him. more often than not fiddling about either with his mobile phone or changing his CD, falling asleep, etc
Biker caught doing 104mph past a horse
now then do you mean defend to the indefencible, or preach to the unpreachable? as I'd argue its the latter
Biker caught doing 104mph past a horse
Aye true, its happened to me and thank fook theres not many do, but yes they do, but thats not because they haven't just seen you on your bike with your lights on, you could have a New Orleans Mardi Gras parade coming down the road to the junction they're pulling out from, if they are "miles away" it generally means they're not on this planet for the total of about 10 seconds, and minds totally oblivious to whats on the road at the time, most shunts I've known of, the person causing the accident often comes out with "sorry mate I just didn't see you" when really what they mean to say is, " shit man, I was miles away, I have this hot date tonight and was just thinking of where to take her,"
Biker caught doing 104mph past a horse
I reckon this is one of those debates where nobody actually comes out of it being right or wrong due to all differing opinions we can have on the subject. For example Ttask, A horse stands about 8 feet to the top of it's head, with a rider taking it to maybe 11 high and is a mostly symmetrical shape very different to a car or anything else you might expect to see on a road, especially a straight one with good vision like this. So if you cannot already see a BIG-ASS horse under normal conditions, what good will a Hi-Viz do? Aye true, but You can argue that a fork lift truck in a ware house, or a dustbin lorry are just as large, if not larger and just as easily seen, but still have to use a whopping great rotating orange light on them, 'just to let you know they're there', oh and the drivers generally have to wear a flouro yellow vest, Besides... do deer, rabbits and badgers stop to put on Hi-Vizes before dashing across the road in front of you? Then why insist other potential road hazards do? I always maintain that individual observation is far better than more signs, conditions, rules and regs Now I notice that you havent mentioned Hedgehogs in that lot, theres a chap down Tiggywinkle Farm would say he'd have a fewer Hedgehogs in his gaff if they did have yellow flouro vests. and another thing where I live here in Devon, if theres any chance of a Deer jumping out on you, you can bet your arris theres a pretty large sign just before, telling you theres a chance of it, generally putting you on guard I don't argue that Hi-Viz *can* help visibility, but given how often it's also failed (brightish day, great visibility, black and yellow striped hi viz, Dynorod-Orange bike, white lid with black Mohawk, FUCKING LOUD pipes and only doing 30, yet *STILL* has a SMIDSY??!!) it should not be relied upon. I purposely don't use Hi-Viz or lights during daytime, which forces me to govern my riding with defensive moves that get me noticed. I also found Hi-Viz occasionally made me look like some easily intimidated safety-geek motorcyclist to certain cars... Now I have the Bad-Ass biker thing going, combined with my aggressive defense positioning they actually pay more attention and are a touch more carefull. Now then, thats more like it, you don't want to wear a vest because it'd make you look daft and geekish, fair enough if thats how you roll, its your call, same with no lights, a few would argue they'd do differently, but its your choice, it's not the law 'yet' so you are able to choose whether or not you want to wear one. same as the gal on the horse, she chooses not to wear one, other horse riders do, and what I'm saying is its much easier to spot a horse rider wearing one than one not. just to add aswell. its her choice as to whether or not to wear a helmet, as the legal requirements are for children under 16 must wear one whilst riding on the highway, whereas adults don't have to. But in my opinion it's just daft not to use one, but no doubt one not wearing one would have their own argument as to why not they choose not to wear one, as per cyclists, as per motorcyclists in some states in the USA, where its not compulsive to wear a helmet.
Biker caught doing 104mph past a horse
your guess is as good as mine, depends if the MEP is a good golfer or not I suppose, but buy shares in hi vis clothing making companies before we do.is my advice
Biker caught doing 104mph past a horse
could be wrong with Ireland but deffo in France from Jan 2013.
Biker caught doing 104mph past a horse
i think it is aye.
Biker caught doing 104mph past a horse
Aye be interesting to see if theyve worked in Ireland where I think its mandatory, as for lights I can live with that.
Biker caught doing 104mph past a horse
Ah and maybe she didn't, seeing as the biker has his lights on. perhaps it was poor visibility.
Biker caught doing 104mph past a horse
true but to be more visible, they have no choice but I dare say a few have had there arses saved by one, its all about choice at the end of the day, and I wish horseriders would choose to wear vests, some do wear them here, and truth being known I've had them in my peripheral vision way before two more without them 50 yards further on.
Biker caught doing 104mph past a horse
so to quote the' police constable present' Who would've been wearing a flouro yellow jacket/waistjacket to be visible, would have been noticed by car drivers bikers etc slowing them down, something they may not have done had the copper not been wearing one. I know I certainly do.
Biker caught doing 104mph past a horse
Most bikes use lights in the daytime just to be seen by other road users, now seeing as horses dont have lights to put on in the daytime, I'd say a flouro yellow jacket would make a decent substitute, and bear in mind I said using a flouro waistjacket whilst on public roads, what they do off the main highway and bridle paths is of no concern to me. Believe you me I come across a few horses with riders whilst living here in Devon, and remember we don't have ditches here but banked up Devon hedging, theres a potential horse rider on a road here after each sharp 90 degree bend, and nowhere to go except up the horses arse.
Biker caught doing 104mph past a horse
Bloke on bike is a nob, woman riding horse on a public road, needs a flouro yellow waistjacket. I reckon that about sums it up.
Let there be light!
Might not be your cup of tea, but the handguards you see on the Enduro bikes deflect the wind enough to stop the cold from making your fingers numb,
Buried treasure in Burma: Squadron of lost WWII Spitfires
Aye they didn't help out much getting the Vulcan Bomber restored,
Mikuni TM28SS - 89 DT125R?
Ko problem, I'd be more inclined to use new oil mind, as old oil can contain contaminents and tiny metal fragments, that can wear down the friction plates.
Mikuni TM28SS - 89 DT125R?
It'll no doubt re-iterate in the instruction kit, what I've put on here, but if not just go with the marks on my clutch holding tool, because as you say the manual isn't very clear on this, in my opinion anyroad. Another thing to do is to smear the friction plates with gear oil, before fitting.
Mikuni TM28SS - 89 DT125R?
Yup, be careful to put the metal plates on with the 'lug' in the right order, or it'll send the clutch balance into cock, I bought myself a clutch holder tool and marked the positions of the lugs on it, other than that its pretty mutch straight forward, Start with a normal friction plate, then the metal plate, then the friction plate with the larger I/D than the rest, insert the 'wavy' damper ring inside that, then carry on alternating from metal plate, and friction plate. Uploaded with ImageShack.us