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Everything posted by Hellraiser

  1. Ok, now i've been to my local yamaha-center and they didn't know all to much about this stuff... The problem is that i don't know weather the oil-plug should be for the -86 or -89 model =/ Is there someway to figure out wich one to order besides from engine-numbers or simply trying the plug? the problem is that a prev. owner has exchanged the engine and didnt really know from wich year it was
  2. Thanks for the quick answer! Ok, I'll try filling up the 2stroke oil, but are there any more fluids on the bike than that and the cooling-fluid? (hm, is that the english word? ) What exactly does that lamp react to?is it multifunctional in some way or is it connected directly in the reservoir? in that case it's clear what the problem is.. after 10 owners through years I don´t have the instruction book
  3. Hello, I've just recently bought my first Yamaha.. Its a dt125 -86. I therefore just regged an account here =) Overall I am very pleased with the bike, I think it runs really well as I have only driven some old Mopeds earlier There are however a few small wonderings I have about the machine.. 1. The prev. owner claimed that the modelyear is 86 (wich is also said in the Registration papers) but the engine was exchanged to a -89! Is there someway to check if this is true? and are there big differences between 86 and 89 engines that may cause problems when I need spare parts? 2. I have driven a total of about 50km and the last time i drove it I notised that the Oil-lamp was lighted. I checked the 2-stroke oil, and sure it wasn't full, but I estimate it enough.. then I checked the screw near the kickstarter, wich I thought was an oil-stick for gear-box oil =P and when not really understaning why there was an Screw there i tried to screw it back in. But the threads had been kind of destroyed, so i dont get it to fit back in as it should. only half of the screw or something.. Anyway I drove about 2km home. After that i´ve discovered that the oillamp is lighted for the first minute or so after i've started the bike.. havn't driven it much more so i cant say if it lightens again after a period of driving, but i dont think (hope) so =). Is it normal for the oillamp to light up for a time some times? (e.g. when its just started) if not what can the problem be? well, well besides from above there are no problems with the bike.. i'm quite pleased with it!