I recently received a 1980 XS 400 special from my father who had left it unattended for about 2 years under the carport. I'm having trouble getting it to start, the lights won't even turn on, so i thought maybe someone here could give me a few pointers.
The bike needed a new throttle cable, two new tires, and i was warned the battery died often. At the time it was totally dead.
The first thing i did was replace the throttle cable, and reassemble the electric starter button box on the handle bars (it was missing the button). After that i removed the carbs for a good clean out and drained the oil and gas. The carbs were actually in surprisingly good condition. The battery looked like only half the chambers had acid in them and the other ones were quite low, so i bought a new battery and let it charge overnight as per the instructions.
Now i've got the new battery on, the handle bars/throttle cable assembled, the carbs cleaned out and the oil and gas drained (the gas tank is still off). I know i can't start it up in this condition, but i would like to make sure the new battery is working and all systems go, but when i put the key in and turn it there is nothing, no clicking, no whirring, no spark of life. I've checked the four fuses under the seat and they look legit.
I'm having trouble figuring out what my next step should be, any suggestions? I'll post a pic soon.