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Everything posted by kishan

  1. kishan replied to aerox-wr125x's post in a topic in The Bar
    aerox50 where bad the brake light switch kept blowing and where very bad when restricted. the aerox100 is a strong bike and never gets problem. good luck in getting a another bike soon thats faster and goes strong.
  2. kishan replied to Stev125's post in a topic in The Bar
    ignore them mate a bikes a bike to me whether its a 100c to a 1000cc who cares how fast or slow you go aslong as its a bike it dont matter
  3. kishan replied to Paulwhite's post in a topic in General
    tell me you are joking?that is the most uncoolest thing ever i will stick with my petrol powered scooter and with my peddle bike thanks as they are both coller than that put together.
  4. shit mate sorry to hear this glad your ok. what a bunch of bus wankers! if i see anyone get hurt whether they are walking,driving,riding, if i see they have hurt themselves i would always ask if they are ok. think people have lost the community spirit.
  5. kishan replied to Vez's post in a topic in The Bar
    LOL atleast he has extra protection to his face with that grill infront of him
  6. kishan replied to gee's post in a topic in The Bar
    jets are hollow needles in the carbarator that shoots fuel into the carb and the mixture might need adjusting due to the aftermarket exhaust being fitted to your bike mate
  7. kishan replied to gee's post in a topic in The Bar
    welcome will probably have to increase the jet sizes mate.
  8. kishan replied to madgitty's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    wow really old yam there mate looks nice
  9. kishan replied to kishan's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    thanks will get the garage to look into it,could it be the powervalve sticking aswell?
  10. kishan replied to escie's post in a topic in The Bar
    jsut keep an eye out mate it must be near by still being ragged about by someone on some disused land or sumthing
  11. kishan replied to RXSrider's post in a topic in The Bar
    MCE are better mate
  12. kishan replied to kishan's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    thansk for that info mate im hoping to get a service done end of this month or beginging of june when i have the cash
  13. kishan replied to kishan's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    ok thanks those are the setting from the workshop manual so hopefully will sort it out. the bike is sluggish,reving too high and possibly running too rich or too lean or both so need my carb tuned as it idels are 2500 but once ive gone for a ride it sits at 3K and the rear wheel spins by itself like its accelerating when i put in on the stand ive had a new throttle cable fitted too so dont know if its the throttle cables thats sticking too :-/
  14. kishan replied to escie's post in a topic in The Bar
    i know what you mean thats same with my bike i need to get about, check on bike trader im some something decent will turn up on there.
  15. kishan posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hey i recently had a new trottle cable fitted and after i have gone for a ride my idel revs increase from 2500 to 3K after ive gone for a ride and my rear wheel spins by itself why is this happening?
  16. kishan replied to escie's post in a topic in The Bar
    what a bunch of bus wankers! hope the bike is recovered soon.
  17. kishan replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    happy birthday
  18. kishan replied to Myami's post in a topic in General
  19. kishan replied to kishan's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    thanks thats made me understand it more as i need the garage to tune my carb and wasnt sure what them figures meant if i tell them so do the below setting will they understand it? And do you know where i can fidn the correct position of a powervalve on a aerox100 as i think mine is stickin or is semi open insitead of open half way ? Needle type/position = 3sof (3rd notch from top) Pilot screw setting = 1 5/8 turns out
  20. kishan posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Main jet = 76 Pilot jet = 44 Starter jet =43 Needle type/position = 3sof (3rd notch from top) Pilot screw setting = 1 5/8 turns out Above is my carb setting does anyone know what the numbers represent?its in the workshop manual for my carb but i dont know what the numbers represent :-/
  21. kishan replied to FZR AL's post in a topic in The Bar
    the bike looks so clean mate and sounds healthy as a horse
  22. kishan replied to Turbo2ol2's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    gorgeous bike mate
  23. kishan replied to Stratdaddy69's post in a topic in The Bar
    try http://www.yamahascooterspares.co.uk/spares/default.asp
  24. kishan replied to Das's post in a topic in The Bar
  25. kishan replied to johna 7's post in a topic in The Bar