Everything posted by CameronMac
Gas Tank Rust Cleaning
One more question, could I use Methyl Hydrate instead of the other alcohol?
Electrical Questions
Great, this cleared up exactly what I was wondering. I bought a tail bike with hopes of restoring it to it's former glory and they guy who last owned it told me he had it ran over the summer. But when I looked I noticed there was no battery and being a car guy I got confused. I was also wondering if starting it up before I got a battery for it would hurt anything. Seeing as the only light still attached to it is the headlight which (surprise) is burnt out, I at least won't have to worry about burning out any lights Thanks for all the helpful info.
Electrical Questions
I'm very new to bikes and I have a ton of questions on how exactly everything works, but whats really getting me stumped is the electrical system. So here's my list and I know some of them are probably very obvious so bear with me. - What does a Magneto do? - Can my DT175 run without a battery? - Hmf guess that's about it
what year are they???????
Pictures please!
Gas Tank Rust Cleaning
Great info guys, I've been making some calls to some radiator & Gas tank shops and the cheapest price I could get was 90$ CND, one place was asking 150! I'm going to head down to CanTire today to pick up some of that Evaporust but before I do, will the rust come back if I don't coat the inside after I'm done cleaning it? I know this will happen when you use acids but I wasn't sure If this stuff will "coat" the inside or not. Edit - They've got 4 bottles of Evaporust at CanTire!
Gas Tank Rust Cleaning
The gas tank on the bike I'm restoring has a bit of rust on the interior. It's nothing major just enough to make your finger a little orange if you run it inside it. I've heard all sorts of ways to clean it ranging from BBs to Muratic acid but I'd like to get some proffesional advice from you pros! I'd like to keep it as simple as possible and not coat the inside with any plasticy material. Edit: Upon searching, I came across this site: http://www.mopedarmy.com/wiki/Removing_rust_from_a_gas_tank It's for mopeds but the amount of info here is great, deals with just about any way you could think of cleaning your tank out.
Canada :- Getting a Bike Licenced Without Documents
Just bought a 79 Dt 175, It didn't have any paperwork when I bought it and am wondering if I could somehow get it licensed. I live in New Brunswick Canada. Any info is appreciated!
DT 175 something or other...
Thought of some more questions for you guys I got the bike from a guy who had bought it from another guy who had bought it... well you get the idea. Point is I don't have any papers for the thing whatsoever. I'd like to know before I go into full restoration mode if I could get this thing registered or not. I live in New Brunswick Canada and I would call the DOT but it's closed till after Christmas. Do any of you know if there would be a way of getting new papers from Yamaha or if theres a general age for bikes that make it acceptable to get new or "Antique" or "Classic". What I really need to know is any information on registering a bike with no title
DT 175 something or other...
Oh good that clears things up, I was confused because I've been hearing MX, E and somewheres I heard 175F. I'm away from the Garage but I'll have the numbers up later in the week. Thanks for the help guys I'm sure I'll be back with a ton of questions.
DT 175 something or other...
Hello all, new to the forum but glad I found it. Just bought what appears to be a 1979 Dt 175 for 160$. This is my first bike and I'm planning on a complete restore. First problem I've ran into is the age of this thing, everyone keeps telling me it couldn't be a 79 because of the shocks. So With a couple of pictures I'll leave it up to you guys to decide. *Surprisingly there's almost no rust on this bike, it was just extremely dirty!