Everything posted by blue2
Hey People, You just HAVE to see this ! I've been hooked... www.trailertrash.net Give it a whirl and let's know what you think. And we thought that this country was going down the pan !! Spring is nearly here!!!!! Blue 2
XJ900F Petrol Tank leaks
Hi Drewpy, Now how did I manage to miss that! Thanks a Million Pal, I owe you a pint or three! Blue 2
Windshield replacement
Hi There and Welcome. I don't remember the XS 750 coming stock with a fairing. I had the XS850 and if memory serves me right, they were both "Naked" bikes. Perhaps if you post a photo, someone would recognise the fairing. Sorry I can't be more help. Blue 2
Windshield replacement
XJ900F Petrol Tank leaks
Thanks for the reply "Misery loves company" I've got the tank in to an engineering firm I used to work with. Brazing or silver solder, they say is what they are going to try. THEN I've got to get it painted! ££££££££ flying out the wndow! Isn't biking just the biggest Fun? Hopefullt that will be the cure, and I can sell my (very nice) XJ for summat else a bit more suited to my plans. Keep it upright! Blue 2
Shootin' The Breeze
Just a general enquiry; I quite fancy a Bulldog ( NO Not the 4 legged kind you pervert!) The BT1100. Shaft drive, nice riding position, big Vee twin and shaft drive. Oh, did I mention Shat drive? I figure that when I retire next year, I've got one more long trip at least left in me and what better "Step-up" from my K Reg. XJ900F than the said doggie. The XJ's tank is in for some serious hole-mending while the weather tries to freeze the feathers off the local penguins, so my mind is increasingly turning to a route and what bike to use. Do any of you fine people ride one, or have any real time experience or opinions? Let's hear from all you big milers and Bulldog afficionados ! I have a lot of miles under my old saddle, but I would value more info on the Doogie as they just do not seem to be in the news or on the ground; not around here anyway. If you do ride in Winter, stay safe and enjoy the clear, crisp days that turn up ! Cheers. Blue 2
At last I'm back!
Just enjoy it, and keep it shiny side up ! Don't be too keen to go warp 10 right away. Work up to it and you'll be just fine. I love it, but I'm too OLD for them now ! Bu**er!!!! Ah well, the XJ9 will do the noo.
XJ900F Petrol Tank leaks
My K Reg. Pre-Divvy XJ900F has fallen prey to the dreaded Petrol Tank Tinworm. Bugger! I have tried all of the Snakeoil "Sloshit about-lard it on" remedies, and have had to admit defeat. Scraped it all off and am horrified at the state of it. Asked a quote from Tank Re-Nu in Hartlepool ( Allegedly foolproof solution) £150 plus VAT. Than I'd have to get it painted! Does anybody have a better cure. Good, sound second hand ones are like odourless skunks- rare indeed. I am in Aberdeen. HELP !!! Blue2
Help with Paint
Hi! There used to be a firm called Bike Paints (Note the plural) somewhere around Brechin (Scotland. The Boss was called Ally and their work graced just about every racer at Knockhill circuit; it was GOOD stuff. A trawl on the web, or a call to Shirlaws Motorcycles in Aberdeen ( 01224 584855) might get you the answer. Sorry I can't be more specific, I've been out of the trade for a long time. Cheers. lest
Bluddy Close Calls!
All those cars being totalled and not a single Bloody Volvo among them !! There ain't no justice!! BLUE2
i have a new form of transport
I've got a diesel too, and I like it. It's a 4.2 straight six Turbo and No, it's NOT quiet. It'll shred your gusset at half a mile. I LOVE it !! I'd post a piccie if I could work out how to. Prefer my XJ900F though. Thinking of buying a "Y" Reg. Divvie with 10k on the clock. Looks to be well kept and sounds sublime. Is this a good move ? BLUE2
Has anyone taken their IAM bike test?
Yes, I did the I.A.M. "test" in 1980 on a 500 Guzzi in a monsoon. It has served me really well as I have survived up to now! Just go out occasionally and ride BY THE BOOK for a whole day. Money well spent I would say. Good Luck if you decide to go ahead! Les T
Newbie in Town.
Welcome Andy, I'm new here myself but very second hand on the bikes! (I'm 63 going on 19). As the man says, get the miles under your belt and the experience will come. We've all been beginners sometime. Lucky man, my first vehicle was a 250cc BSA C15 that wouldn't go, wouldn't stop and wouldn't steer! Don't let the old Farts bang on about the "Good Old Days", they were SHITE ! and so were most of the bikes back then. Modern is GOOD! Keep it sunny side up and get yourself up here on our Amazing Scottish roads. If you survive the Kamikzi sheep, you'll be well on the way. Blue2
Newbie in Town.