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  1. 8R9 YAMAHA posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Has anyone ever seen a mono-block 440 cc yamaha from the mid 1970's I am looking for one.
  2. YAMAHA TOP DOG is what they call themselves. website is www.speedandsportinc.com. I have bought many ,many parts from them, parts are at full retail price, but if you need them they got it.
  3. 8R9 YAMAHA posted a post in a topic in Classics
    I am looking for parts I need TZ 500 crank,cases jugs and heads thanks any idea where to look? Please keep wanted ads to the relevant forum...Thanks
  4. 8R9 YAMAHA replied to WallyB's post in a topic in Classics
    Look at speedandsportinc.com they have everything nos yamaha only huge place.