Everything posted by TZR DAD
FIXED!!!!!! Two days of checking and testing everything and eventually solved the problems. This may help other TZR owners as I did a lot of searches and found a lot of owners have similar problems. Bike now revs to 14000 tops out at just under 180km/hr. PROBLEMS SOLVED: 1. Removed and checked power valve. Power valve was assembled incorrectly. There are two locating pins on the power valve and these had been aligned incorrectly. This way, no matter what the position of the valve it could NEVER be fully open. 2. Power valve was sticking when trying to open. Cleaned up all surfaces and valve now turns exceptionally easily. The power valve motor has very little power and cannot turn the power valve if it is the least bit sticky. 3. Reed valves. Incorrectly set and positioned upside down. The top set of reeds have a different clearance to the lower set. 4. Power valve unit set 180 degs. out. Valve was closing at revs instead of opening. 5. Bad electrics. Found the main power cable from the battery not giving fully voltage while riding. It was o.k. while the bike was stationary, but when riding there was a voltage drop that was affecting the CDI and the power valve operation. cleaned and tightened all connections. After this bike runs well and just about pulls itself out of your hands when you hit the power band. I'd love to take it back to the guy who sold it to us for him to ride. I'm sure he thought he sold us a real lemon!! HA, the laugh is on him 'cause we got it at a real good price! Hope this helps anyone with the same problems.
Checked EVERYTHING !!! Still can't get this thing to run at high revs. Checked reed valves and I've found a massive difference between the two stopper heights. I don't have the EXACT manual for this bike as we've yet to determine exactly which model this is. It was sold to us as a 2001 TZR 125R but we have since been told by our local agent that this is actually a 1995 TZR 125???? I presume the stopper heights are the same as the '93 model and that the two stopper heights should be set the same? Stopper height in the manual I've got is 8.3mm (0.327") Can anyone help?
- TZR 125 manual
TZR 125 manual
Any idea where I can get a free download?
Hi, my son has a TZR 125 with 4JB motor. He just recently bought the bike. The bike used to run reasonably well but tops out at about 65mph. I'm sure it can do better than that! lately the bike wont rev to full revs in any gear but gets to about 10000 rpm and then starts cutting back. No matter what we do we cannot get it to rev properly. Checked the carb, checked the power valve settings, spark plug etc. No Joy. also noticed that the power valve only starts to open at 9000 rpm but does open fully if you can get the bike to rev. Any ideas?
TZR125 or TZR 125R ?
I have just bought my son a TZR 125. It is registered as a 2001 TZR 125R on the papers but the local shop tells me that it is actually a 1995 TZR 125!!!! How can I tell for sure? The engine No. is 4JB 00752 and the VIN (frame) No. is 4JB 007609. Can anyone help please?