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Everything posted by pepperami

  1. pepperami replied to NEwin's post in a topic in The Bar
    As with any liquid cooled engine(if yours is ?), make sure it has a good dose of anti-freeze in the coolant. you may want to run the engine once you`ve topped up with anti-freeze to ensure the new stuff does`nt just sit in the expansion tank. if it`s going to sit outside for a while you may want to consider an exhaust plug-- like the moto-cross boys use when cleaning thier bikes. just dont forget to remove it when come to try and use youe bike again
  2. i have the same problem (shitty rotten exhausts) with my XS`s. no i have never used that company, but those pipes look like just what i`m looking for. i am just very wary about buying from abroad over the internet??. Motad still do a 2-1 pipes for the XS (i`m sure.... i think?? ) i dont know if that is of any help or are you trying to keep your bike completely original.
  3. pepperami replied to surfingobo's post in a topic in Classics
    Diesel is good!! and cheaper than canned squirty stuff
  4. pepperami replied to surfingobo's post in a topic in Classics
    before you assume it`s siezed why dont you try taking the plug out and squirting a little bit of freeing oil into the bore and leave it for a couple of days. after that you may find you will get some movment..... i did this on an old Suzuki A 100 and it saved me a top end re-build!!...
  5. pepperami replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Thank you Mr D
  6. pepperami replied to hebrew hammer's post in a topic in Classics
    i know this may sound silly after YPVS Tone told us that black is for earth on Yams... but have you tested it with a volt-meter to ensure it is an earth??? i never trust old bikes because you cant tell what others have done with them before you got it!!! when i took the wiring out of the headlight shell, i could`nt get the damm stuff back in without breaking something!!!!! I ended up making the holes in the shell slightly bigger to give me a bit more room.
  7. pepperami posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    if anyone speaks to MR Cadxs would they be so kind as to tell him i am trying to contact him. or if your out there Mr Cad there is a message for you via PM
  8. pepperami replied to a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    a wet air-filter on a two stroke indicates that not all the fuel/air mix is being burnt during ignition. so as the bike has been tampered with?? is the power valve/exhaust servo actually working/opening as that may have an effect?? have the throttle/carberettor screws been badly adjusted in an attempt to make it go faster??? are the oil pump settings right?? does the bike have an air leak some-where causing poor combustion??? you say it`s smoky??? does it need a de-coke?? or is it just friar-tucked.. i am not saying this is gospel but that is what i would be looking at it this bike was mine
  9. pepperami replied to pepperami's post in a topic in Classics
    Top man Mr D thats what i spent all yesterday afternoon trying to do i still say it would look better with a single seat, teardrop tank, shorter exhaust, & wire spoked wheels
  10. pepperami replied to pepperami's post in a topic in The Bar
    thank you for all your help gents.... Mods! please dont delete this thread as i would be lost without it
  11. pepperami replied to pepperami's post in a topic in The Bar
    thank you for that Mr Kp i will give it a go tomorrow
  12. pepperami replied to pepperami's post in a topic in Classics
    this is the finished product!!! its the best i can do but it gives you an idea of the bike i have been wittering on about !!!!
  13. pepperami replied to pepperami's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hello Mods!!! i am really struggling trying to get a picture of my bike onto this site..... can i have some help please
  14. pepperami replied to pepperami's post in a topic in The Bar
    Thank you Mr V
  15. pepperami posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    i have nearly finished my XS and want to post some picture to see what you folks think ?? i am not very good at this pc stuff.... so how do i get the picture from my pc to the topic/gallery??? please can someone explain in VERY simple child-like language for me thanks
  16. pepperami replied to pepperami's post in a topic in Classics
    The saga continues!!! now i am doing all the final bits to get it ready for it`s MOT..... it`s stopped sparking on the left hand cylinder anyway i am hoping that it`s not to serious (fingers crossed)and it`s just points and not a coil breaking down.. luckly i have a new set of coils on the way that i was going to use on the next project... (an XS250 rat bike) using up all the left over bits. i cant do the tick-over thing until i get this sparking issue sorted... Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!! i read somewhere that someone had put a Boysen electronic ignition kit on thier XS.... anyone????? info please?? was it easy to do???? did it cost the earth??
  17. pepperami replied to pepperami's post in a topic in Classics
    dont know if my PM got to you ? let me know if not and i will re-send
  18. i recon that if we had adverts as strong as that in this country, it would be a lot more effective that having the police hiding in lay-by`s waitng to catch you. i was very impressed with that advert.
  19. pepperami replied to Goff's post in a topic in The Bar
    i have to say .. that looks like one sweet machine...
  20. pepperami replied to pepperami's post in a topic in Classics
    oo! oo! yes i am interested!! i will send pm??
  21. pepperami replied to pepperami's post in a topic in Classics
    i see by your profile that you are one of the loons still riding an H2 triple????... i am not so good at this pc stuff but i plan to put some/a picture/s up as soon as i learn to do it???? if it stops raining, i will take some pictures in the daylight tomorrow. it was`nt quite as speedy as it appeared as i was in the process of putting it all back together before i joined.... plus i have a lot more time these days unemployed... hey-ho!
  22. pepperami replied to Alex's post in a topic in The Bar
    thank you for letting us know... there was me thinking my pc had gone PHUT!!
  23. pepperami replied to pepperami's post in a topic in Classics
    Do you know.. i get the feeling your sure the tick-over is 1250rpm.. i think i will try getting it to tick-over at 1250rpm you never know that might just work??? i rode it tonight just up the driveway (private road, not mine i might add) and so far so good, fingers crossed. i keep finding little things that need doing on it, pins, clips, bits to tighten or grease.
  24. pepperami replied to pepperami's post in a topic in Classics
    at first i thought F*!k that, my bike can only be worth £200 max and i`m not paying £499 for another pile of junk just to get some wire spoked wheels..... so i am going to e-mail him and see if he wants to sell the wheels seperately. thank you for the pointer Mr D
  25. pepperami replied to pepperami's post in a topic in Classics
    UPDATE!!! went and got a new number plate this morning... blimey! they dont half make you jump through some hoops to get a new number plate. i had to have my license, a utility bill addressed to me, and the log book before they would issue a new plate. It`s done now and it`s on the bike . this afternoon i am going to put on the exhaust and the pins in the seat hinges. if i keep this up i will run out of excuses for not taking it to the MOT station the worst is to come yet ..... getting that tick-over just right and ensuring it`s emissions are right... not looking forward to this bit.