Everything posted by pepperami
FYI XS400 minor niggle
am i a pussy cos i use the electric start? ......... mind you if i am going to use the kick-start, i always do it astride the bike...... even on my little Honda CG125 of lovlyness
- Hello!
1981 xs400 for £3300
Just had a look, and although it`s appears to be a nice bike, i`m going to keep my wallet firmly in my pocket ok i know mine were tatty when i got them but i paid £65 for two bikes and a spare engine
FYI XS400 minor niggle
it`s always the last things that you do to fix a bike that take the longest! i`ve been having trouble getting my XS400 to run right? then it dawned on me! if i have the bike on the sidestand it is much harder to start and takes longer if at all to tick-over. i noticed that if the bike is upright (on the center-stand), it behaves itself a LOT better . so if you are fiddling about with the carbs, you might want to bear that in mind.....or is it that, it`s only my bike that behaves this way? i`m not saying that this is right, just it`s how my bike is and yours may be doing the same!
I live in Suffolk which is not a bad thing in it`self but that means i am to close to, to many towns. Ipswich Bury-st-Edmunds Stowmarket Colchester Felixstowe Sudbury. And that means WAY to many traffic cops and way to many cars so i slow it down and go the senic routes, missing out major A-roads, and that means the A1120 is a nice ride if your not riding a 1000cc rocketship
The modern 4 stroke riders will never......
there`s nothing left to say, you`ve said it all about a two-stroke twin that is "on song" stop telling us/me any more about how good it was, as i am weak and will try to convince my missus that i NEED a two-stroke twin in my life! then she will kill me and confiscate my wallet and bikes
LC350 will not start
as with a lot of two-strokes (usually older ones) the crank case seals can dry out if they are left standing for a long period of time, and this can cause an air leak which in turn will affect starting. i had this problem on an old two-stroke Suzuki GT250. (horizontal split cases) when i brought it, it was all there and was running before it was stored. after the clean up and service, it would not start. so i put a little petrol in through the spark plug holes to aid starting. it fired first kick, coughed & spluttered,settled down for about 30 seconds at idle and then the revs went through the roof!. once we established that it was the above all was fine after fixing hope it`s something more simple for you
Were back on
i tried to come in and see what was occouring, and could`nt get in the other day? ....... there was me thinking that my missus had been interfering with my pc setting , spose i`d best apologise to her now
Wild Foamys old DT
make you want cry there should be a law against cruelty to bikes!
BMW car drivers
BMW = Brainless Mental Wanker AUDI = Agressive Usless Driving Idiot. nuff said
the right way to arrest a terrorist
good to see a genuine bad-guy get what he deserves ............ damm shame about the bike though!
saw this in anothe forum
that`s the BEST read i have had from the net in a very long time........ good job i was`nt drinking tea when i read this, it would be all over the key-board
i rode my XS400
she`s been on here before, but here she is again Mods, if this is to big could you please make it smaller...... as i am not that good on the PC EDIT: ooo! that`s come out alright
i rode my XS400
i have an absolute nightmare with this bike....... i got the most of it done last year, but this timing issue has been a dragging plauge. but today i actually got to ride it !. whoop whoop ! (on a private road) what a difference it is when you compere it to an in-line-four. i knew that it would be nothing like my ZX6R as i have had and ridden twins before, but it was a sharp reminder of how vastly different they are. i love em both, but the XS has certainly tested my patience
Hairy lipped squid, what are they like
i never saw that coming Nelson mandela answers the door to find a delivery agent with 38 tons of japanese car spare parts. the agent cannot speak very good English, but says "these for you" Nelson Mandela tells him there must be some mistake! The delivery agent says "i check invoice" the delivery agent then says "are you sure you not Nissan main dealer"
- XS engine swap
XS engine swap
Right the XS400 is 99.9999% done now and it`s time to get it MOT`d taxed and insured (he says hopefully) when i first got this, it was a pile of dismantled junk, pretending to be a couple of 250`s and a 400 engine. now it almost looks and goes like a bike . i put the 400 lump in the 250 and we went about getting it to go, and after a friends magic touch and a lot of his knowledge we have a bike thats ready to go back on the road. so i know i have to inform DVLA..... is that via the log book when i take it off sorn? will i have to have it inspected because the engine capacity has changed. can i ride it to the MOT station by prior appointment, even though i have no tax or insurance? insurance will be viod without MOT and tax but i cant get tax until i have an MOT and insurance????? you comments please.......... thanks
- XS engine swap
ye old bikers nod
i`m not sure i know what you mean? 80 - 90
- Afternoon Everyone :-)
it goes! at last
not been on here a lot lately, but some of you might know that i have an XS400 1980 bitsa. Well yesterday i and a very knowledgable friend finally got the damm thing to run on both cylinders AND tick over . i serviced the carbs using brake cleaner and re-using parts that looked in good order not a good idea! as it ran like it was sucking porridge rather than petrol. so ater that we had the carb put in the sonic tank? while i got a complete carb overhaul kit and new jets. i read a thread on here about what size jets to use and the original ones were not the same. when that was all done and put back on the bike things were a bit better but still not right. so now we started on the timing and the points (spent half an hour looking for a short, then realised the kill switch was still on) so new points and the coils have been tested = all ok! we set the points according to the book and nothing? so we retarded it by a small margin and Bingo! dont ask me but it works and I`m leaving it like that as it works. tank back on, points cover back on and nothing?????....... points cover off to check nothing has moved and bingo it works a treat! points cover back on and nothing Hmmmmmm! then i look at my box of spare junk and i notice that i have a spare points cover that is slightly different ie it has fins and the space inside is just a little bit bigger...... i put that on and bingo all is well so now it is firing on both pots, ticks over , lights work, and stops . just a few more checks to make sure that i hav`nt missed anything and i will be off to the MOT station! Many thanks to all who have posted XS400 threads and solutions, you dont know it but you have helped me a lot Drewpy gets a mention in dispatches
which one of you is this then ????
Well it`s not me!.... if you look closely, you can see hair sticking out from under his bash-hat... me i hav`nt got any
Just for fun in general chat
Due to the tension on here lately
I`m jush takin yous good advise