1981 XS400S Not Starting after Throttle Cable Replacement
Well its dark and cold where I am so I will try that tomorrow.. I'm assuming if they are wet then the carbs are fine and if not then they are in trouble? *edit; Sparkplugs are getting gas to em, they are alittle discolored but theres no buildup or anything. Battery seems to have died, so its charging. also there was a tube that was supposed to go to the top of the petcock that was not on. so after battery charges I'm going to give it another go *editx2; So battery charged and all hoses in place bike starts and runs fine! Thanks for all your suggestions
1981 XS400S Not Starting after Throttle Cable Replacement
we sprayed the starter fluid and tried kicking it but nothign happened. When we tried to pop the clutch it burned off the fuel but opening the throttle didn't do anything...
1981 XS400S Not Starting after Throttle Cable Replacement
Its wierd, setting the petcock aside, even though gas flows the bike does not start. We tried starter fluid, popping the clutch and 100 kicks on the kickstart. Gas is getting into the carbs but doesn't seem to be going through. Am i going to need to rebuild the carbs?
1981 XS400S Not Starting after Throttle Cable Replacement
the first time it was set to ON but the other times i get it to turn on its set to Reserve. There is plenty of gas in the tank too..
1981 XS400S Not Starting after Throttle Cable Replacement
I don't think its kinked, i mean its bent but that was the first thing I checked. I'm really hoping I don't have to rebuild the petcock or anything, I really want to ride a few more times before the snow :-/
1981 XS400S Not Starting after Throttle Cable Replacement
Fuel flow is good when I switch it to prime.. I tried running it with the fuel cap open and nothing changed.. Can I take the petcock off and see if anything is blocking? This is my first bike so I'm kinda feeling my way around here.. *edit: so yea the petcock doesn't let anything flow on prime, it flows when i switch it to reserve. Do i need a new one?
1981 XS400S Not Starting after Throttle Cable Replacement
I have a 1981 XS400S which I just replaced the throttle cable in. The bike started on first kick and ran beautifully beforehand. After I got the tank back on and everything together it started just fine and idled for a bit then shut off. After that it was very hard to start and only ran for about half a minute before it stalls. If the bike sits for an hour or so bike will start back up. Any suggestions?
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