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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. 2 Wheels

    what piston

    I second that Cynic. If this was a bran-new engine, the piston to bore difference would be 0.05mm His difference now is only 0.063mm The rings make up the rest so if this was my engine I would slap it all back to-geather O and Welcome dekweld
  2. 2 Wheels


    the aircooled RD rally in 2010 Where is this held and when is it on, just wondering.
  3. Aye, another year older --- is it a good thing Ill be having plenty of Guinness very soon Ill have one for all you lot 2 Its the start off many sore heads for me as the holidays kick off but ill put up with the pain cause I love the black stuff Cheers 2 you all Patrick.
  4. eh! ????????????????????????????????????? O and Welcome!
  5. 2 Wheels


    Could you get your hands on one of these for the next few days I heard the snow was bad overthere, Its just started here today at 3pm but nothing like what you got.
  6. 2 Wheels


    Ta OG, I will and Happy Christmas !
  7. 2 Wheels


    Dt125 is now sorted and running sweet. Changed the front sproket seal and exhaust back on, you should have seen the shit in the pipe. NOW there is no leaks and the power is good. I thing it even blows Oxygen out the tail pipe now Im off for a propper spin Thanks again for the help !!!
  8. What we look like on our bike just B4 we crash
  9. 2 Wheels

    Hey were back

    Big white Val eh! I to would like a pic!!!
  10. Im sorry to say, its v havd to find one of these bikes that the shite hasnt been driven outa it. The choke will be on when the leaver for (up + down) has the little choke barel pulled out. There is no real test to confirm if it is the rings broken, the loud tinny rattle will b at its worst when the bike is started first and cold. Noises dont come from your engine for no reason (hence) it is the rings broken and if you v "lucky" it might not b needing a rebore. Sorry mate but you have a bit of work to do ! Go for a hard spin if you can for an hour then check plug condition again.
  11. Happy Christmas all Humbugs <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLzdzSTg4Tw&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLzdzSTg4Tw&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLzdzSTg4Tw&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  12. 2 Wheels

    Just Joined

    Small Island off Donegal (my island) Long Island NY is next stop 5853 miles accross the Atlantic Ocean (your island) WELCOME to the Y.O.C forums, Plenty of help here if you require it. Regards your other post, your bike should be well fit for journies you are doing. No over-reving in too low a gear and you will be laughing !
  13. Ok then im sorted, Ill be a bad boy somewhere else, not here
  14. Could someone tell me why there is a (warn Status) information bar at the bottom of my profile when I post something in one of the topics, there doesnt seem to be one on anybody elses profile Have I been a bad boy ? Thanks !
  15. Piston comes back, shims and pads dont? Are pads really worn down? The shims havent been swaped from one side to the other as they have certin sides to go in (left+right). By all means put the copper grease between them.
  16. The shims (anti rattle shims) are there to stop the brake pads from jumping arround when the brake is not being applied. They are supposed to be pushed up tight to the pads. Need more info as to what appens when the brake leaver is let go,,, is it that the pads dont let go of the disks?
  17. GEEEEEEE Gas up... your some man for the detail,,Fair Play,, where you get the time, I have traveled all of Ireland and most off Scotland, pitty I didnt know of you then for tips and tricks !!!!
  18. Chears mate, now I can post picks I will update my profile and show bikes I curently have shortly ...Patrick
  19. Here is the bike we were talking about !!!!!!!
  20. Just another thaught b4 you take off carb again, some carbs (quad bikes, ect) have small filter pushed into the inlet fuel spigot, have a look on yours, its small and hard to see so look closely. If none there try, open drain screw on float champer and let petrol flow out into jar watching it closley until you think float chamber is empty, if the petrol slows down after a bit there is still blokage in fuel tap filters BUT if when you open tank cap the petrol speeds up agan, the cap is at fault, like Cynic is saying. If the flow is constant all the time then your float chamber is filling correctly and the problem is with the carb, now start doing what Oldgitonabike was sayin.
  21. Will take care with caustic soda , take my time with everything as it usualy gives better results. Have pictures in my computer but do you think I can get them outa there and onto this web page ----- not half
  22. Oldgitonabike,you were signed out lastnite by the time I typed the rest of my post, im slow typer (one finger typer). Is your OG test only to test the RH and LH mainbearing seals or does it test all seals in gearbox and I take it it's only for twostroke engines ?? I am so happy today Will have it sorted in no time. Order new seal and exhaust gasket on monday and get it done. Will do the caustic soda cleaning on pipes as heard before its good plus because do I realy have enough brake-in miles done to give it loads down a good looooooong road. But I will give it loads + loads down road eventually. Yourself and Cynic are two good engine heads and I thank you for all your time + help Maby new rings would have done but to be sure i rebored as keeping bike and wanted it going good. Now it appears I have good engine + bike with low miles, happy days
  23. The OG crankcase test, Results = Started bike,tube into water. It blows out bubbles at a rate of 1 bubble every 3 seconds at idle speed and this doesnt change as I increase revs. How bad is this? have more findings to tell you on the whole topic. EDIT: Was thinking fri nite, 02 bike - 4300 miles couldnt have his many problems! Searched the house for details from buying bike as knew I had them some where. Got address of the guy I bought it from, and although I did not want to do this- I went to see him. He said (he is old enough fella) he bought bike new and only ever used it to go fishing. He fished only 3.5 miles from his house and to get there went down a little lane and through fields along river.He still does this but now he does it on a quad.Nice fella he was so I believed him and headed back home. Got home and did the OG compression test!What do results mean I wonder. Then I lifted bike off the ground to waste height, started and put it in 2nd gear to simmulate driving on road.While looking round it I could see no probs to hand, then I walked pased the back of it and it spat oil on me. Looked again and noticed this. "No external leeks my ass" A little drop of oil was comming from drive sproket and dripping down onto chain. I put the bike through the gears like mad and as engine temp rose the drip went mad onto chain, arround and flew off the back.No oil at-all on engine casing. So could this b right --- This is where my oil is going so fast.The old fella that had it before never drove hard enough to burn oil outa pipe so I have 4300 miles of sludge in pipe. Plug is right colour cause engine running ok. Piston slap because maby he was overreving all the time. Could I be this lucky??? Have exhaust off for cleaning tomorrow. What you guys think ?????????
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