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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Is it an old bike ? It could be the HT lead from the coil to the plug, check to make sure it is in good condition and all conections are clean. Sounds like the carb is set up a bit wrong though but not to sure yet!
  2. 2 Wheels

    dt 125

    Glad you got it sorted. You could do with changing gearox oil again after a bit as bits of shit will be floating arrond from the sticking plates.
  3. Thats out on the main road i take-it. It will be fine in and arround the 30mph speed limit. Dont let cars bully you into doing things that you dont want to do. Get used to cars trying to knock you off they all do it, (Yank-rs). You need to grow a second pair of eyes and watch out for anything that moves, even in the faraway distance and behind you. EDIT: I see now that you have had other bikes before so maby your used to all this allready.
  4. Failte; Bert to the YOC Thats a nice we bike you have. A bit more power would be nice but as you said ya can drive it on car licence. Sorry dont know the steps that have to be taken over-there to be able to ride a 125. Maby---- Theroy test, lessons, provisional licence, cbt, then do your test----- me not sure. Regards service: Yep easy to maintain and lookafter. If you are using bike everyday or so then you shouldnt have any probs with your carb. You can take it appart to clean it (only if needed) without messing the settings and if your carefull. All other service things will be easy enough if your engine head inclined ! Hope this helps ya ps. loads of help on here from everyone if ya need it !!!
  5. Coppers,,,,, huh------ they all think there great !!!
  6. Yep, if you loosing water and the gearbox oil is white and if the oil level is rising in the gearbox then your waterpump seal is nackered. If there is no external leaks round the gearbox then this seal is ok.
  7. Nothing will work propper on your bike if you dont have a good battery,---- including trying to kickstart it.
  8. 2 Wheels

    dt 125

    Yea plates could be sticking after that length of time. Dont stat the bike and select 2nd gear, then keep jumping the bike along by pushing it. Once you get it freed-up the engine will start to turn over. That should be the plates free but they will need a bit of use to get them going proper. The cutting out prob, sounds like the clutch release thing is off set a bit. The gear lifting arm should line up with a little hump mark on the outer casing of the gearbox when the clutch is not pulled, if it doesn't then you will have to re-set it. Have you a manual?---- even for that newer bike? If you want to free up the sticking plates start the bike, get it rooling along then select 2nd gear and off you go for a spin using all gears. By the time you get back the gearbox oil will have heatened up and you could now try the clutch again. Stop the bike and restart and select 1st gear, if it still cuts out then you are gona have to re-set the clutch release mechinisim. Give it a go !!!
  9. 2 Wheels

    dt 125

    Does it happen if he selects 2nd gear? If so there is marks on the outer gearbox casing, these should line up with the gear changing leaver when the clutch is not pulled. You might need to adjust this to its proper mark. After this it will be a case of opening the gearbox side-casing and checking some stuff. Check the marks line up first.
  10. 2 Wheels

    dt 125

    Hello there. If the side stand is down then it will cut out as a safety device Post again if you have tryed this all ready.
  11. Failte: Tony to the YOC Me is likein your bike v much Unfortunatly I have no help for ya with your classic !
  12. 2 Wheels

    ye old bikers nod

    I too nod to everyone, even more perhaps to L platers to give them a boost and to say welcome to two wheels. I think what is happening is that, when the new L platers these days pass there test and move up to a bigger bike they think they are king of the road and forget that a little nod can go a long way in making a fellow biker feel good. Thats my view anyway, but sure how do I know what other people might be thinking
  13. I wouldnt bother buying a new one either, but i know what OG is saying is prob true. I bought the one i have now last year sometime because they are such a fun bike to ride. If its a case of people just using a 125 to pass there test and then ditch them for a bigger bike then they would be better off holding off and looking out for a second hand one instead of wasting there money.
  14. either way, the frying pan is pritty sore
  15. 2 Wheels

    ye old bikers nod

    Yep, still happens here, it more of a turn your head slightly to the left quickley. Some even through up the left hand to ya if they overtake you.
  16. I agree with ya Mervin our goverment (maffia) do the same. Trucks fill up in northern ireland to get cheeper fuel and no vat. They loose thousands in vat every day. Me thinks the goverments are all in with the oil companys to keep prices higher all-round as they all cash-in in the vat at some stage. Its like the goverment and the big building contractors they both lookout for eachother as they both make money off of eachother. They wright off all there big loans (NAMA) and guess who has to pay for it all------ we do, the ordinary good honest working people.
  17. Aye, but if we all do nothing, then nothing will change. Some mad scientist once said "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result" Wouldnt it be nice, thaat in years to come children would say that it was our generation that turned the big fuel companys arround and stopped them ripping people off.
  18. I agree with this and will post it to a few mates. We, the consumers should control the price of fuel !!! Price over here per ltr at the min is €1.32 Thats £1.18 to you lot over there I remember when it was .87 per ltr and im not that old !
  19. 2 Wheels

    new guy

    Failte; to the YOC Have you still got full power from the bike or is it down a bit.
  20. If your battery is half dead the clicking on the starter will come back. You need a full battery/power to the starter or else the solonide (on top of the starter) will not work and keep clicking till it burns out. Im sure you'll find out about battery condition by the time alarm is fitted. Good luck mate
  21. Sounds like a clutch prob. You might just need to adjust it at the handle-bar or down at the g-box itsself. It could also be the clutch lifting arm needs to be reset. Try the spining the wheel by hand and selecting the gears thing first then try adjust the cable at handle-bar but not to much that the clutch can slip and see how you get on !
  22. That will be the new thicker oil, it will settle in after a bit. What oil did you put in? Does it clunk into 1st or 2nd when started and just about to pull of?
  23. Failte; Meaety to the YOC. Lift the back of the bike off the ground, rotate the wheel and try to select all the gears all the way to top gear. (bike not started of coarse) If they all go in ok then it could be a clutch prob not gearbox. Assumming of coarse you have kept oil changes and services up to date! More info if you can !
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